New for 2013 - what are you looking forward to?

What I would like to see, and what I think could work, is a stand alone TES and Fallout game soon after the launch of the next gen Xbox and PlayStation, and then annual expansions for each. Each year they could release a new province for the TES base game, and a new state (or w/e) for the Fallout base game.
What I would like to see, and what I think could work, is a stand alone TES and Fallout game soon after the launch of the next gen Xbox and PlayStation, and then annual expansions for each. Each year they could release a new province for the TES base game, and a new state (or w/e) for the Fallout base game.

I like the sound of that better
I wouldnt exactly like that because it would soon be like shovelware like how CoD and AC has become

what drugs you be smoking to put AC and CoD in the same sentence like that? You gonna go that route best be putting MGS and Halo in that category too.
No need to get all pissy scrappy Im just saying, a Fallout/ES game would get stale every year.
Im fine with them taking their time
Why is there pee all over the floor?!

Anyway, yes that is a good point. They would get stale. Even 2 years of dev time isn't quite enough. But OMG WANT MORE NOW!! I like the 'extreme add-on' idea. The only problem is that by the end of the first one I'd be a super-high level and would blow through all the subsequent releases. It's a small thing though as I'm sure they would have tweaked their system if they went that route.

I guess the issue is one of my own making. I don't play too many games/am hella picky so I'm bored. There are few games that I'll do midnight released for or buy demo-unplayed. ES and FO are 2 that always get my money without question.
If you can find a better way to deal with the neighborhood children playing in my backyard, I'm all ears.
roflmaooo andrew, that was pretty great
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