I want Badnarik, too.
However, I think Kerry will win. We wont know it for several days, though. It'll be too close. Then, there will be a terrorist attack before his inauguration and...
Bush will probably win, Kerry is against gun owners and that's probably going to be his downfall. I could give a shit either way because I don't like either.
Dammit, why do we have to keep on bringing up politics if all it will ever do is make us argue without ever a resolution?
Oh well, I might as well comment.
I have no clue who is going to win, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it goes on for weeks.
There better as hell not be a terrorist attack DURING the innauguration because I'm going to be there (the school's band is going to be one of the bands that plays at the multitude of inauguration festivities).
EDIT: Travis - I don't know how it is in Virginia, but from what I've seen the gun issues aren't that big in this election. I could say the Cuba factor is more important, and it seems no one except for my family cares about Cuba in this election.
I win (kinda.. I wished Nader would have won, at least for entertainment purposes).
Edit: I was talking about the people I knew personally, since pretty much everyone I know is a hunter, and America is gun-crazy anyways. Just my view on it, no facts really.