News Rein: No 10 year plan for Gears



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Speaking to VG247, Epic Games vice president Mark Rein has said claims made by Gears 2 writer Josh Ortega that there is a ten year plan for Gears of War are false.

Speaking during a Gears of War panel at ComiCon, Ortega said: "You will not be disappointed in the next ten years... It's a ten-year plan. Gears is long-term. The lancer is the new lightsaber."

In response to these comments, Rein said: "No, we do not."

"In this industry you can't plan games very far in advance. We appreciate the enthusiasm Josh has for our franchise but we don't have a ten-year plan.

"We always have ideas of where we'd like it to go but it's determined on a game-by-game basis and ultimately by fan support. Our focus right now is supporting the Gears of War 2 game and community."

Given the huge success of the Gears of War franchise it would, however, seem unlikely that Epic doesn't have big plans for the future of Gears - one such thing being a Gears of War movie trilogy.
