Skyrim Impressions Thread

Incredible. I knew it was coming, but just the look of the game and the atmosphere is something you have to witness and experience for yourself before you can believe it. Incredible game. By far the best game on the 360 right now (sorry ME 2- you had a great run).

Oh, and I Fus Roh Dah'd a moose off into the sunset last night. Best single-player moment of my life.

And the Nightingale armor looks exactly like Revan's costume from KOTOR, which is pretty badass.
I was on a mountaintop fighting a Dragon when a Snow Troll came along. Being wounded, I didn't want to fight it, so I Fus Roh Dah'd the sucker right off the cliff and let ragdoll physics do the rest. This should be a national pastime.

By the way

Everyone who didn't pursue smithing:


Me and Chris:

Decision questions

Did yall
kill Paarthurnax?
and How did yall handle the
Season Unending debate?
Cause I can never seem make them happy
I assume the spoilers are about the main quest. I've barely touched it. Between rolling in gold with work (:mikesmith:) and working with the guilds, there's too much to do.

The Thieves guild alone is as long as some games (assuming you go out and do everything, including the Nightingale shit).
Yea they are there cause of the main story, Ive gotten alittle bit with each guild, I get distracted with other quests
Yeah, I've barely touched the main quest. I've been dragon slaying like a boss and doing nefarious deeds for the Dark Brotherhood and the Companions.
Ive started the Thieves guild and im at the part of the Companions where you have to be come a warewolf and im not ready to do that yet
Shadowmere returns from Oblivion! I has a happy.

Also, greatest video ever.

So I was trying to ride a horse up a mountain last night. He falls. I free fall in slow motion for a good minute or two. I figure I'm dead as soon as I hit the ground. I hit the ground, twisted up like a damn pretzel. My guy gets right back up like nothing happened, and not one speck of health is gone. I start walking off, and about five seconds later my horse slams right down on top of me, dead as a doornail.

I fucking love this game.
So at the end of the Dark Brotherhood quest you get to kill
The Emperor of Tamriel!
Shouldn't have read the spoiler if ya didn't finish it/want it spoiled.

Also, Mace of Molag Bal + Dawnbreaker = Sex.