Softmodding a 4.2 Wii


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003


OK guys! The guide you have all been waiting for is here! A full-complete guide to get HBC and backup launchers working all in one!! PLEASE READ THE WHOLE GUIDE AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE YOU PROCEED!!!! We don't want any bricked wiis out there, do we?

This will work on SYSTEM MENU 4.2 VIRGIN and UPDATED. It will work for 4.2e, 4.2u and 4.2j , dunno about 4.2k (Cioscorp users will have a problem, "no vulnerable ios error", solution HERE!!!!!!!)

There is a new DVD drive chipset that is starting to emerge that will not play DVDR, if your Wii came with sys menu 4.0 on it then it could be one, the chipset is known as a D3-2 and the only way of telling if you have one is to open her up, but as this will invalidate your warranty you are better off trying to load DVDRs and if you just keep getting errors then it is a good indication that you have one. The USB loader will still work though so just follow the guide as normal.

Warning, please all those who are on lower than 4.2, DO NOT update yet!

Waninkoko's 4.2 SAFE updater is already out here, but it is not recommended that you update to 4.2 anyway.An online update will remove any cios you had on the wii!! You will lose the ability to play backups and load through usb! this is only for those who are already on 4.2.

Also, no way to downgrade for now, so hang in there.

The only extra that you will need is an SD card (I reckon you all have one by now) formatted as FAT32. If you have anything stored on the card, back it up in your PC because you will lose anything, then format it, so it is Guide-ready.


PART A: The astonishing installation of HBC: First steps into modding

In this part we will install HBC, which is used to runn apps from the system menu, using the bannerbomb exploit. Along the way, DVDx will be installed, this allows the lens to recognise burned DVDs (not play backups, just see they are there). In the end we will install Bootmii, which is a very useful app as we will see next.

A1)GET THIS and unrar the contents in the root of your SD card. In the root of the SD card whould be:
IOS70-64-v6687 [Patched][FreeTheBug].wad

Run to your wii, place the card in the SD slot and navigate to the SD card icon, bottom left, writes SD and has the same shape, can't really miss it. Once you did this, a warning screen about scams should appear, press ok, screen will go black. A disclaimer shall appear, press one to continue.
(note: following my guide you will never get an upside down HBC. If you ever find the HBC upside down, run this installer again and install HBC again)

A3)Now three lines should appear: Homebrew channel, which can be isntalled, DVDx, also can be installed, Bootmii, which possibly will give you an error. Install Homebrew Channel, DVDX. On bootmii option, select "prepare SD card". After it finishes, install it as boot2 (if possible) or as an IOS.

Warning: Bootmii at most cases will give you an error, so it cannot be installed as a boot2. For most of you will be isntalled as an ios. That is fine.

A4)After that you are ready, you have isntalled all of the above! now an app can be palced in the apps folder in your SD card and be run by HBC! This has a load of functions: Media players, Emulators, Useful apps and Homebrew games! browse tham all here, but take care with the ones you dont really understand,as they might ruin your wii! most of them are really safe tho.

Those who were able to install bootmi as boot2 SHOULD BACKUP THEIR NAND RIGHT AWAY!!! If bootmii was isntalled as ios, then you dont need this step, although you can make one just in case. Mind that you will need a Gamecube controller tho if bootmii was an ios

Here is what you should do (abstract from Dogeggs' guide, hope he doesnt mind:D)
The following should get you a cios, so that you can play backups on your wii:

>>Those who had previously (before the update) installed ios249 may have a chance to play backed up games easily. They should run cios38rev14 installer from Homebrew Channel and use ios250. if that does not work, try running it again, but using one of the following : ios202, ios222,ios223,ios249.Then you can proceed to D. If one of these does not work either, you should have to do the following:

PART B: The extermination of the evil stub ios249

Ok, so N did this update and thos ppl knew that we use ios249 to isntall our cios and place our backups. What did they do? they invented an empty ios ("stub") and place it in slot 249, to stop us. Like they will! Muhahahaha. Here is what we do about it. We will uninstall ios249 stub, and then isntall our own cios38rev14 in slot 249:

B1) GET THIS PACK(Thanks to Dogeggs, he sure made the trick... this will probably work for anyone) or GET THIS PACK 2 or GET THIS PACK 3 (pick start with the first one, if you get an error pick the next one and follow instructions from B2 and on again. One of this will do the trick without an error. If still nothing, try this)

B2)Format the SD card, with FAT32, place the contents of the included folder in the SD card root. Only files in SD root should be:
root:\00000001\ <-(if available)

B3)Place the SD card in the wii, start HBC and press home ar the main HBC screen. (If your wii boots to Bootmii, just go to B5)

B4)Select bootmii and wait.

B5)Wadmanager should start.(On ios select, select ios36, or try a few, 249, 250 dunno,we are scratching our heads with this)!!

B6)Select SD card and press A to continue.

B7)Select ios249 from wad folder and press A

B8)change the action to "uninstall wad", press A

B9)Done!! now to the next step!!

PART C: The installation of our beloved cios38rev14

Now that we deleted the stupid stub, the place is free so thet we can isntall cios!


C2)Format the card with FAT32, download the file above and place the contents of the "Place to SD 2" folder in the SD card. It should only contain the included files:
root:\00000001\ <-(if available)

C3)Place the SD card in the wii, start HBC and press home ar the main HBC screen. (If your wii boots to Bootmii, just go to C5)

C4)Select bootmii and wait.

C5)cios38rev14 installer should run and give you some options.

C6)At the beginning you should see ios249 highlighted. Keep pressing left on the wii pad until you see "Do not reload IOS" at the ios select screen, press A. (for some reason that neither I nor the other follows here seem to understand, this does not work for everyone. If this fails, try again using 249, 250, 222, 223, 36, 37... and others. Switching to one of these may work for you. be sure to restart your wii after each attempt)

C7)If you have internet connection, select "Network install", else select "SD card", Press A.

C8)Proceed with the installation, and you are done.

You should have ios249rev14 isntalled, which will allow you to run any Backup loader or USB laoder!

If you fail at doing the above, you can replace steps B and C with steps 1 to 3 of this guide!!!!!!!

PART D: Getting the backup launchers to work : the optionals

Now we are worked up and ready to run our backups!! REMEMBER: Use Verbatim DVD-r burned at 2x-4x to minimise errors! Also be sure to scrub the update and region free your backups, so all of them play on 4.2, and noon tries to update you! This is necessary for now, because preloader for 4.2 has not been released yet. Once it is, this will no longer be compulsory. But for now, be safe!

D1)Remember the first pack I gave you? Place the "apps" and "wad" folder of that in the root of the SD card (The first rar ok? delete all the others from SD)

Place the SD in wii and boot up, go to HBC.

-For DVD launching, go to NeoGamma r7 (if you get a black screen on this one, you have not done B or C correctly. Try running them again)
-For USB launching, go to USB loader GX

Install wads (careful with that, ok? youare not priiloader safe. Definately do not uninstall ANY IOS LOWER THAN 200!!! You will brick! I repeat for the Buttheads: Do not uninstall ioses with a number lower than 200!!!)
To install wads, select wadmanager, and choose ios249 and SD card on the options (should be default).
-If you want Neogamma as a channel , install Neogammar8.wad
-If you want USB loader GX as a channel, install USBLoaderGXr850.wad (this will isntall the full channel, but you can install the forwarder instead, USB Loader GX-UNEO_Forwarder.wad, which can be directly updated by placing updated version in the SD card, yet you will need the SD card constantly inside the Wii slot to launch it. Install whichever sounds more useful to you)
Note that your HDD needs to be formatted as WBFS with WBFS Manager.

D5) You can now install ios202, ios222, ios223. From HBC, run cios222 installer and select ios249 to use. At the next screen, choose the following, one at each turn:
-ios202, for usb - using ios38 (needed for USB2.0 support at Media Players)
-ios222, for uloader - using ios38 (needed for USB support of instruments and stuff)
-ios223 mainly for GH5 - using ios38 merged with 37 (same as above)
Mind that you will need an internet connection for this!! If you do not have an internet connection, see appendix. You can also install the ioses using any other combination you like, But those are recommended for now, until a games needs otherwise. If a game does not run with USB loader, try chaning the ios it uses through settings menu to one of the above.

The following are really optional and not needed to play backups. Also mind that incorrect use of them might brick you!! so use with caution!!

This will install a hacked ios70 on the Wii. Please read below very carefully, as you may brick your wii if you dont follow instructions properly. A hacked ios70 is needed for 2 reasons:
a) Allows wiiware and VC games to run through SD card.
b)Allows installation of priiloader, which is the only brick protection you can get if you don't have Bootmii/boot2. It is totally recommended to install priiloader.
Here is how you install ios70:
-Start wadmanager from HBC
-Accept the agreement and with default settings (ios249 & SD card) press A to browse the SD card.
-Find IOS70-64-v6687 [Patched][FreeTheBug].wad and press A
-Make sure you install and NEVER EVER uninstall the ios70! If you uninstall ios70 or any ios lower than 200, your Wii will suffer a slow and painful DEATH!
-Once you are 10000% sure it says <install>, press A to install the file.
-Once it's done, press Home to return to HBC.
-Now you can breath.

D7)Installation of priiloader. After you install ios70patched, you are able to install priiloader.
-Find the only app in HBC that does not have an icon, yet says apps\priiloader\boot.dol, and load it.
-Read the instructions, and hold down B, and press + to use ios249
Once it is done, reset your wii and it will take you to Priiloader menu
-From there, go to Hacks and check the ones you want. Block disc update and Region free ones are recommended. you can check what the others do here
-After you are done, go to the Settings and change autoboot to System menu.
-Reset the wii. You are done!
If you ever banner brick your Wii (God forbid) you can access priiloader menu by holding down reset button while booting the Wii, then access HBC to undo the brick (yeah i know it rocks). After that you can install all the Wiiware/VC/channel wads you wish, without bricking fear.

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Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003

Yo Tarv, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but GBATemp had one of the best Wii Softmod Guides of all time.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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This one I copypasta is the one I used when I updated wii to 4.2 before softmodding luls


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
tee hee. I didn't read anything. I just clicked all the links to make sure they weren't dead.