2.49 MILLION POINTS IN GW. #123 in the fucking WORLD. I got multitastic, and if I hadn't died near the beginning I would've survived 1 million. Damn hell fuck yes, people.
Also, why did Ridge Racer give me 7 gamerpoints? That's so random. Why not 5 or 10 to keep it even? Now my score has a fucking 7 instead of a 5 or 0. HMM.
I did shitty agaisnt Logan and Andrew again, but Logan let me kill him after he got 20 wins so I could get a gold star. Yay! Then this morning I beat up some noobs to get my 50 wins achievement.
So apparently GW physically cannot get any harder at about 6 million points, so after that it simply becomes an endurance game. Which explains such scores as 12 million.