What Game Are You Currently Playing?

I do tooooo! It's my favourite of the series.

Not sure if this has changed at all since last time I posted, but here is what I'm currently playing:
- Zelda: Spirit Tracks (SO CLOSE TO FINISHING)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (schweet game)
- SimCity Societies (I missed this one when it came out, but I really like the direction they took the series with this one.)
- RPG Maker XP (Natch)

I is playanz:

Darksiders / Batman Arkham City (Xbox 360)
Counter-Strike Source / Team Fortress 2 / Morrowind(PC)
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (iOS)
I's downloading Phoenix Wright off the appstore right now. I hear it's really good. So now I guess I'm playing GTA:Chinatown Wars and Phoenix Wright on iOS.
Ace Attorney games are great!

Impatiently waiting for Skyward Sword, so I'm playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
how is the new Kirby game? Im bout to start playing Battlefield 3 aka Generic FPS #56 and Ive been playing Street Fighter 3rd Strike Online Edition
I haven't played that because Logan hates Kirby! But I'm having a friend come over so I might test it out! But I can't imagine it being bad. Only complaint I have is that it can only be played while holding the Wii Remote sideways. It can get uncomfortable at times!
I always prefer games that use the wiimote sideways, feels better for platformers imo, but maybe just cause i'm oldschool.
No Classic Controller! Just the Wiimote. And yeah, I don't really mind it! My thumb just cramps up from time to time.
Star Wars: Shitty Game Unleashed II

I'm just playing random shit until Skyrim gets here.
Hey new FRAND!

Right now, juggling Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land, Skyrim, and Mega Man X2.