Final Fantasy XIII-2

That won't take MUCH.

How they gonna continue FFXIII though? That shit pretty much WRAPPED UP.
I wish they would make a fucking sequel to FFXII.

I was so fucking sad thinking that Fran died.

I weeped like a little girl.
i actually liekd that ffxii i thought it was a good game.

i thought they did make a sequel on that ds!
Oh shit...that's right.

Fuck yo hand held shit.

I get a head ache looking for that tiny screen.

I still don't get how they gonna make a sequel but WHATEVER. Didn't work with FFX cause that game was wrapped up regardless of how dumb the story was.

FFX-2 Went like this for me.

My face when I opened it on Christmas morning:


My face when I saw the opening cutscene and actually played it:


My face when I played KOTOR II all day instead!


And of course, my face when I did damn near everything in FFX-2 anyways:

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I didn't like FFX-2 at first because it was just too damned Charlie Angels for me, and it was a big let down compared to the first one. But if it was a completely different game entirely, I would have loved it from the beginning. I did like the concept of the dress sphere. It was an interesting idea.
God damn if it too girly for a girl that should show u how overboard they did with it.

The gameplay was really good though. Too bad everything else was an abomination!
I just downloaded this trailer on my xbox and it was so god damn loud it knocked al bundy off the speaker!