Movie: The Dark Knight Rises

Wait. Does this mean I'm not allowed to look at porn because I have kids running around above my head?
day 13: "you're a good man because you put your jacket over sad children" "bruce wayne?" yeah...retarded.
I would've liked that if Gordon said nothing and they didn't show the flashback. BUT NOOOOO, gotta give those retard fans some context thus making the reference as clumsy as possible.
day 14: what the fuck did they do with alfred? he's supposed to be bruce waynes guy. alfred is always there. through thick and thin. and what happens in this movie? bruce wayne goes back to being batman and alfred quits? what the hell?! i mean i understand why they did it. they wanted bruce wayne to hit rock bottom or whatever, but come on. its fucking alfred. dont trash the character like that.
day 15: bane's death

I happen to really like this movie but I agree on this one. Bane kicked Batman's ass all over Gotham, broke his back and destroyed his will. Then all of a sudden cat woman shoots him with the bike. The end. Did they run out of production time?

Reminded me of LOST as they got so into the movie but had no idea how to end it.

I agree they should of tried to re-cast Joker. They had a whole script planned out and then Heath Ledger died. RIP Heath!
To be fair, all 3 movies had a sorta meh final fight with their respective villains.
To be fair, all 3 movies had a sorta meh final fight with their respective villains.

Batman begins did have the best one. Not great. But i liked it. Overall i had a problem with all the fights in the dark knight because batman was never really fighting equals. He was fighting joker and his lackeys who werent trained warriors. Just nutjobs with guns. But i digress

Anyway, im in the hospital right now on my phone because my wifes water broke last nite (still no baby). But thats not gonna keep me from continuing my crusade. Im on a mission. A mission from god.

Day 16: so gordon spends half the movie in a hospital bed crying about an army in the sewers huh? At what point during the writing process did they think that was a good idea? At one point i thought this was a remake of the bone collector with denzel washinton.

This is a two parter. I'll do the second half of this one tomorrow.
Can't be any worse than the recent superman movies. From what I've read about the concept, it sounds solid.
Nolan is a great director. All his movies besides tdkr are amazing. I love them all. Hes only producing and i have faith in zack snyder too. Im looking forward to it.
Day 17: so yesterday was about gordon in the hospital. Today is about bruce wayne putting on a ski mask, breaking into gordons hospital room and talking to him about the batman. WTF?!!?! Gordons just chillen there half dead talking to a guy in a ski mask like its no big deal. And bruce wayne cant walk but he can repel out of a window? Somethings rotten in denmark.
What is the big difference between a Director and Producer. I see alot of the big names to both in different movies.

Please don't say the Director directs and the Producer produces either.