What program are you using for your rpg?
Mountains are really nice. I'm getting sick of the flat beach. No view whatsoever unless your right by the coast.
What kind of stuff do you do when you've got some spare time? Do you sit around wondering what you're going to do for the next few hours or do you go out and party with your friends? Where do you go when you're bored out of your mind and need some time to kill? What kind of stuff do you do on...
Maybe, but its not like its going to break my budget. I've made a few changes. I visited pcmech's forums and got some advice.
Samsung 191T Black LCD 19" Monitor $659
XFX nVIDIA GeForce FX5950 ULTRA Video Card $405
Corsair TWINX1024-3200LLPRO 1GB Memory $323
Intel Pentium 4 Processor...
I think i understand... you can't change the color of the icons and banner (am I right?). Maybe you could change them to a more neutral color like black/white/grey. As far as themes go, I trust your judgement.
I kinda thought that was the case. I was just trying to be cautious and not under-do it. I'll have to look into those speakers. I might add a TV- Tuner if I don't get a monitor that doesn't have one built in.
I suppose this is where people can comment on stuff like the chat, battling, and any other RECENT changes/needed changes to the site.
Not that the color right now is bad, but I really liked the idea of having different themes. What ever happened to that? The character stats display in the...
I'm pretty much done shopping for components for building my own computer now. I'm probably going to trim down on some of this stuff though. I don't think I really need this nice of a graphics card. I'm just going to use the monitor I'm using now for the time being. If you think I'm wasting...