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  1. Dave

    Pokemon X and Y

    Is Pokemon trying to keep up with the people who started liking it in the 90s, when they were in elementary school? It just seems a hell of a lot more complex and adult oriented than it used to be, and kids can't even pronounce half the Pokemon's names now. Pokemon Red or bust.
  2. Dave

    Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

    Bart's Nightmare was great. Simpson's Arcade Game probably came out a couple years before Bart's Nightmare, since it was the first Simspsons video game to be released.
  3. Dave

    Pokemon X and Y

    Uhhh Dave: confirmed for having memorized the entire rap and still knows it by heart to this day.
  4. Dave

    Pokemon X and Y

    wtf is going on with Pokemon? Are they coming out with a brand new EVERYTHING? RIP ORIGINAL 150
  5. Dave

    Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

    Only Simpsons game I remember is the one that used to be at Chuck-E-Cheese when I was little.
  6. Dave

    Picture Dump

    And the best part about it is it's not even about self-esteem. He burns himself, laughs, and wants everyone to give him a high five. You remind me of Jim Carrey in Liar Liar. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"...
  7. Dave

    Picture Dump

    Yeah, Santa must use a good conditioner.
  8. Dave

    i has restraint

  9. Dave

    Let's get personal...

    Gonna have to roll with Gaming Hulk on this one. Guy knows his shit.
  10. Dave

    New for 2013 - what are you looking forward to?

    Gears of War: Judgment Bioshock Infinite Tomb Raider GTA V Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Pikmin 3 Luigi's Mansion 2 The Last of Us
  11. Dave

    Let's get personal...

  12. Dave

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    Tamed Raccoons are up there with puppies and kittens.
  13. Dave

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    Casey playing with her cats
  14. Dave

    Christmas 2012

    Big and Tall online store is where it's at.
  15. Dave

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    Cats after surgery Regretful Morning My apology to SAB.