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  1. Dave


    Just now seeing all this. Congrats on the transition, buddy. Moving for a job is rough, but at the end of the day it's about what's best for yourself and family. Getting an 11k bump in pay is a big deal. Does any of this effect your wife's job?
  2. Dave


    The game is intensely repetitive. It's fun, but nothing about it is great. The ending is lol and if it weren't for the Crucible, I probably wouldn't care for it. I don't really mind doing the Strikes and Story missions since they are fun, but if they didn't add to my abilities in PvP, I'd be...
  3. Dave

    Step into my time machine!

  4. Dave


    Alpha on Xbox One was pretty awful. Beta was a massive improvement and actually a lot of fun. I've never been big on MMOS myself, but the Beta hooked me into getting it.
  5. Dave

    Best Controller You Have Used

    Gamecube Wavebird. First Wireless controller and it felt even better to me than a normal Gamecube controller (which was great to begin with). 360 is right up there in terms of how comfortable it is in my hand.
  6. Dave

    The Last of Us: Left Behind

    I've read several articles on the port and the biggest thing they're hammering on is what Joe's talking about. They make it out to be a much bigger deal though. I don't remember the game ever getting THAT blurry on the PS3. PS4 looks much better in colors and is sharper, but I think it's a...
  7. Dave

    I might just have to get a zelda tattoo

    Deer lowered, I come back from a hiatus and half the old crew is back, including my bff Jr.
  8. Dave

    Sum Up Any Game You've Played or Are Playing With A Single Picture thread

    Titanfall: Not a gif, but...
  9. Dave

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Finally part of the next gen wave. Titanfall and Dead Rising. Both are fantastic, but some new games are going to be refreshing.
  10. Dave

    who wants to play gow3 with scrappy on the 26th?

    Just switched over to the Xbox One and sold my 360 and all the games and accessories I had with it. Whether you end up playing with anyone or not, enjoy yourself.
  11. Dave

    The Last of Us: Left Behind

    Supplies and ammo being scarce would be a huge understatement. Andrew posted this on Facebook when the game came out. Playing it on survivor mode:
  12. Dave

    Sum Up Any Game You've Played or Are Playing With A Single Picture thread

    Going online to play any fighting game ever.
  13. Dave

    God hates me

  14. Dave

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Adventure of Link is hard as shit. LoZ may be just a bit harder because it never gives you any clues and it leaves out important information about the candle's functionality. And Second Quest is just stupid.
  15. Dave

    Far Cry Classic

  16. Dave

    The Last of Us: Left Behind

    Yes and hell yes.
  17. Dave

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Prayers sent...
  18. Dave

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Turok gave us the GOAT video game weapon: Cerebral Bore.
  19. Dave

    i has restraint

    SAB is actually schizo and makes all this shit up on the fly.