It's sound like I can pretty much make my own hours up to 40 hours in a week, as long as it's at least 25. So, I'll probably try to work around the times. If not, then I'll probably just watch it online and be in the thread, since a lot of my job is just sitting around editing and doing random...
UNO Rush is the opposite of UNO. UNO is laid back, fun, and we just sit there and make fun of each other. Rush is very fast-paced and quick-thinking. The big thing is that every player can see every other player's hand. So, there's no more bluffing. Just card after card. Your turn is also...
Wow. Just a few days after mine! I was thinking about doing the same thing, but it sounds like mine was just fried to death. I wasn't feeling like messing with it or fucking with Microsoft, so I just went out and bought a new one.
Coming home for the weekend, and gonna bring my Xbox one and Gamecube back with me, along with a shit ton of games for them. KOTOR will be up first. :chawmp:
Seriously. They tried so hard to build up these billy badasses with their connection to Kreia, when, in the end, they were literally useless and added nothing to the story except a side-plot for Kreia. Yeah, I don't think anyone cares that they're two former students of Kreia and...
I think Lair of the Shadow Broker is a good look at how we design levels now" says Hudson [...] "It's all about sudden shifts in the action. There's a section on Earth where you're running a narrow walkway and there's a war going on all around you and a ship is in the distance. Suddenly its...
KOTOR II started out pretty nicely, but by the middle of the game it just went straight down hill. The Jedi exile and Kreia shit worked pretty nicely, but once that Malachor V shit and "WOUND IN THE FORCE!" shit got involved.....:chipper:
All fanboys. I was working with two today that were trying to spin that shit
"New security is gonna be better and the free online is gonna be even better!"
oh shit
that one rental place near the old wal mart changed their name like 500 times before it became a mattress store!