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  1. Dave

    Who would win?

    lmao. Seriously. You waited roughly half a year to answer my PVP, and it ended that way. I can't touch such holy ground. Even though these threads are the best.
  2. Dave

    Who would win?

  3. Dave

    Who would win?
  4. Dave

    Summer "Get your gaming shit together!" 2011

    Come on. I'm working 8-4:30 Monday-Friday just next week, the next week I start my hours for my internship, and I'm still playing on playing the shit out of games and hanging out with everyone. ANYWAYS. TO BRING THE THREAD BACK ON THE RIGHT TRACK I'm bringing my Gamecube to my apartment...
  5. Dave


    What's your diet?!
  6. Dave


    Health wise, how do you live? I mean, I know we joke around about each other being fatasses, but it's a serious matter when you're always in pain and it hurts to do anything. How much you exercise/workout/eat all plays a factor in everything, more so in some people than others. There might be...
  7. Dave

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

    <hr noshade color=#cccccc>Originally posted by bayrooster:<br><b><FONT size=2>Reading Facebook updates...<BR><IMG src=""></FONT></b><hr noshade color=#cccccc>
  8. Dave

    PSN Users!

    Next to sending out a bunch of strippers for the audience, there is very little they can do to save face for something that shitty. So, bring on the strippers and beer Sony. It's your only hope.
  9. Dave

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

    Okay, the real Serious question that can come out of this situation: What's the best beer to celebrate his death? I'm actually feeling the tall blondes.
  10. Dave

    E3 2011 Discussion

  11. Dave

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

    That Keasler kid's cousin lives two doors down from me. He was over there one time. I yelled at him, but he just kept walking around.
  12. Dave

    E3 2011 Discussion

    This is gonna be the best....E3...Gamerhandles....event......EVER...
  13. Dave

    Osama Bin Laden is dead

  14. Dave


  15. Dave

    The Return.

  16. Dave


    Okay, cool. But do it through certain actions and over a long period of time. Not some BS. "Stop being a pussy and fight!" "Oh, shit! I'm inspired now! For freedom!" dialogue options. Does sound pretty cool, especially with a large scale of soldiers being present. :tom::tom::tom::tom::tom::tom:
  17. Dave

    The Return.

    I expect a Return Part II in a few weeks.
  18. Dave

    3DS & Your Eyes

    Hey, new guy!
  19. Dave

    PSN Users!

    As if we needed another reason to make fun of the PS3. I mean HOLY SHIT, SONY.
  20. Dave


    welcome new frand.