And whats the deal with women asking for you to open the pickle jar!? Am I right!?

People ask ME to open the pickle jar, I don't ask them.

In fact, the moment I walked through Nico's door when I went to visit her, she stuck a jar of pickles in my hand and told me she'd been waiting on me to open them.

I'd rather open it myself than have them try to open it while nude.

Now that is a disturbing image...
Ooh, Photobucket didn't like my picture. I guess because it had a naughty word. Funny, they couldn't get their heads out of their asses for THREE WHOLE DAYS while my entire blog was full of empty spaces because they screwed the pooch when it comes to a back-up plan, but dayum, they were certainly quick to find my offensive Spiderman taking a sideways dump down the side of a building picture and deal with that. Good work, Photobucket. The ball, you're on it.
Let's learn the animal kindgom. SUPERRRRRRR!!!!

Honey Badger don't care!!


Little Bullies


Is that Bruce?


A little piggy nap....


RAWRRRRR, sweet kitty

Yeah, Casey - you can eat that hat, too.

<img src="http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab298/zedavia/dealwit.gif">