Looks like the video of the leaked copy is fake. The video shows the gamepad showing a map, but apparently there have been comments from Aonuma saying that all gamepad functionality has been removed from the game.
I've heard that as well, can't really check most of the usual places till I get home though. As tempted as I am to download it... I'll just wait and experience it on the Switch.
I've got mine pre-ordered on Amazon. Its my first time doing a pre-order on Amazon, so I'm not sure what their shipping is like. I chose the next day shipping (the fastest option) and right now its saying my expected deliver date is March 7-8. I'm hoping that will change once they actually have...
I agree with everything you guys have said... and yet I just pre-ordered on Amazon. I might only pick up Zelda at launch but that still means I'm going to be playing Breath of the Wild on my Nintendo Switch in just seven weeks.
I'm very skeptical right now about paying for a Nintendo online...
Yeah, it's on at midnight for me.
Also, looks like Yooka-Laylee is cancelled for Wii U, which is the version I backed. They announced an April 11 release date for PC, XB1, PS4 versions and said they are "working very closely with Nintendo to look to bring Yooka-Laylee to the upcoming Nintendo...
I think the ONLY way it can fail is if the hardware is super outdated (seems unlikely given Nvidia's involvement and public comments) or there are no good games in the launch window (also unlikely, as this was why they pushed it into 2017).
Yeah, I think they are only saying it is not a 3DS successor as a failsafe in the unlikely chance that the Switch is a failure, then they can continue the handheld line separately. I'd say early 2018 (assuming the Switch is a success) they will end the 3DS line of products officially.
Thoughts on these recent rumours?
Pokemon on Switch is a no brainer and will be a huge system...
Yeah, as much as that sucks it kinda makes sense for them. During the holidays MS and Sony marketing will be in full gear, so why not wait until January when there isn't much else going on and you can more easily grab everyone's attention.
Hopefully they are just holding out until they are ready to show the OS and related features. Touch screen is critical if there were hoping anyone was going to use this in place of their ipad (or similar tablet).
I think touchscreen is an absolute must have feature, but not necessarily for games. If Nintendo wants to cut into the tablet market (maybe this is a wrong assumption?) then it really needs touch controls for non-gaming features like chatting/drawing in Miiverse and web / menu navigation, and on...
Personally I will probably rarely take the Switch out of it's dock, maybe only if I want to play something and the TV is already being used. I think Nintendo did the right thing here by unifying their customer base. Think back to the software drought that the Wii U had, and imagine if the games...