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  1. SuperAfroBoy

    Zelda Fan Animation - A Link to the Past Parody!

    Audio balancing needs a bit of work, but otherwise pretty good!
  2. SuperAfroBoy

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

  3. SuperAfroBoy

    My Jimmies are a little rustled that it will be 70 degrees on Christmas

    We are finally getting snow here, still not used to driving on city highways with snow tho.
  4. SuperAfroBoy

    My Jimmies are a little rustled that it will be 70 degrees on Christmas

    I'm so glad we are having above usual temps here. Its nice to have no snow to worry about yet.
  5. SuperAfroBoy


    I'm paying taxes on the money they gave me that I didn't claim as moving expenses. I'm not paying the taxes to the company but to the government as if it was a gift or bonus I had received, the money they gave me that I claimed as moving expenses was tax free.
  6. SuperAfroBoy


    Hahahaha, all I can do is laugh. So remember that 5k my work gave me as moving expense? They told me anything I couldn't claim as moving expenses would be taxable to me and those taxes would need to be paid back within a year. That was fine, I knew I would be using a fair amount of that to get...
  7. SuperAfroBoy

    The Game Awards

    Did anyone else watch this last night? It was pretty good, some real surprise winners for me. The Iwata tribute was really great, but I think my favourite moment was Geoff Keighley calling out Konami on their shitty treatment of Kojima. If you didn't watch here are the nominees and winners (in...
  8. SuperAfroBoy


    So, I passed another one of these fuckers today! Last four or five days I've had this weird sensation that I had to urinate on and off, even if my bladder was empty. I figured it was nothing and would pass, but then last night in the middle of the night I woke up and had to piss REAL bad. When I...
  9. SuperAfroBoy

    Let's get personal...

  10. SuperAfroBoy

    Fallout 4

    I downloaded and played this for a few hours today. It seems to run surprisingly well on my old system. I haven't been in any intense scenes yet but overall I'm very pleased.
  11. SuperAfroBoy

    Fallout 4

    If I had something to play it on I might be excited for it, but for now... Yoshi's Wooly World is next on my buy list.
  12. SuperAfroBoy

    "Nintendo Account" New Membership Service Announced

    Cautiously optimistic about this.
  13. SuperAfroBoy


    Man... it really just never ends. Just realized both my license and my plate/registration on my car expire next month and have to get both of those renewed and moved over to the new province. Have to do that, AND try to catch up on those water bills. Yeesh.
  14. SuperAfroBoy

    Halloween Radio

    I always forget about this radio stream.
  15. SuperAfroBoy


    Far enough behind to get it cut off I guess, lol. They sent us a check for like $160 or something, whatever amount we had paid that wasn't used up yet. Tomorrow I'm paying the full reinstatement fee, which is essentially just paying the full price to have the coverage restarted fresh for a full...
  16. SuperAfroBoy


    FUCK. Just got a letter today saying our house insurance was cancelled due to non payment. We had about $350 left on the bill to pay, and I just managed to borrow $500 from my in laws this week. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I'm waiting for a call back from the insurance company now with a "reinstatement...
  17. SuperAfroBoy

    Super Mario Maker

    Some of my newer levels. I definitely feel like I'm getting better with the level design. <div class="miiverse-post" lang="en" data-miiverse-cite="" data-miiverse-embedded-version="1"><noscript>You must have JavaScript enabled on your...
  18. SuperAfroBoy

    Nintendo NX

    Imagine how exciting it would be if when NX is announced the launch lineup had Super Mario NX (something like 64 or Sunshine), Pilot Wings, Pikmin 4, Metroid, Kirby, Punch Out, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, and so on. There are so many great franchises that Nintendo could be pumping games out for if...
  19. SuperAfroBoy

    Nintendo NX

    I really hope that they keep the gamepad idea to have two screens, although I'm not sure how that will work if they plan to let you play while away from the console on the gamepad only. As for what Nintendo has to do... well if they had full third party support that would be nice, but it has to...
  20. SuperAfroBoy


    So, things are not great for us right now... not sure what we will do. On paper it looked like we could afford the place we are renting, although it would be a bit tight. In practice, though, it seems we just can't. We have three bills right now that we need to pay and just can't seem to get...