Hey Travis, if you enjoyed my levels throw a star on them pls. Trying to get 50 stars so I can upload more than 10 levels at once. Follow me in Mario Maker for easier access to my levels (I think?).
edit: and have you made any yet?
Who else has this? Anyone want to try some of my levels?
Level Title: Bowser Has Bad Breath
ID: 2B70-0000-0022-E830
Level Title: Hammer Bros. Take Flight
ID: 2436-0000-0029-86C3
Level Title: The Old Boo House
ID: F961-0000-002D-5829
Level Title: Koopa Village
ID: DD18-0000-0031-8CB3...
So our 9 y/o kitty Chupa is dying. He's clearly in pain, and we need to have him euthanized. Back in PEI we had to have one of our cats euthanized and the whole ordeal only cost us about $80. Here it looks like it will cost us around $250. I just can't believe that. They have to do an exam first...
He was an incredibly talented programmer.
Gamefreak was having trouble fitting Pokemon Gold/Silver onto the 2MB GBC cartridge, so Nintendo sent Iwata over to help. He was able to optimize the code so well that not only could they fit Gold/Silver into that 2MB, but they now had enough free...
So Braeside ended up going to another family, but the owner of 32 Venice said that we are on the top of their list. Assuming there are no issues with our background check (which there will not be) they will be accepting us as tenants! And after looking over both Braeside and Venice a little...
So on Saturday Mel came over to Dartmouth so we could go see our new unit at Ocean Breeze Estates and sign the lease. Boy oh boy that place was TERRIBLE. Like, incredibly bad. From the pictures I saw online I knew it would be a step down from our house and that it would be a lot smaller but man...
We got approved for our townhouse yesterday, huzzah! Only issue is that it won't be ready for June 1, but June 15. So I'll be staying in the hotel for a couple weeks, but otherwise this is great news. Now the final piece of the puzzle is getting a tenant in our house, which I think we are very...
So I got some of the final questions I had answered today, and yesterday we applied for the four bedroom townhouse. My company will write me a $5000 check to cover moving expenses. Anything I can't claim as an expense related to moving will be taxable to me, so essential the money is mine to use...
So, status report I guess. My wife will luckily be able to keep her job and work from home when we move, which is SUPER convenient. That means she can just walk to the elementary school (five-ish minute walk) and bring Gabe home, so we'll be spending nothing on child care which is neat. Just...