Yeah, thats our normal procedure too but if the user is on a mac and doesn't have access to a windows box then they can't reset it, and thus can't use it to auth through any tools that use their AD creds.
its almost therapeutic posting annoying things from work on here. so here's another one from an annoying girl in our marketing department!
Emily **** has joined the room.
Mike Llewellyn has joined the room.
(3:42 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Thanks for contacting the IT Helpdesk.
(3:42 PM) Emily ****...
another day, several more facepalms:
Tracy **** has joined the room.
Mike Llewellyn has joined the room.
(10:22 AM) Mike Llewellyn: Thanks for contacting the IT Helpdesk.
(10:22 AM) Tracy ****: Good Morning
(10:23 AM) Tracy ****: Jennifer **** has been locked out of windows
(10:23 AM) Mike...
When I say:
(10:31 AM) Mike Llewellyn: I sent a request to have the password reset yesterday afternoon, but haven't heard back from the exchange admins. I will probe them again now and should have the new password shortly.
I really mean:
(10:31 AM) Mike Llewellyn: I was pretty lazy...