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  1. SuperAfroBoy

    Next Xbox

    meh, i think when i finally decide to jump into next gen it will be Wii-U. It DEFINITELY will not be PS4, and I can't see how MS will be able to win me over from Ninty's exclusives.
  2. SuperAfroBoy

    Zelda Wii U

    they just need to bring back the tingle tuner from wind waker and expand upon it, but keep it completely optional.
  3. SuperAfroBoy

    A Link to the Past.....The Sequel?

    they should make a zelda game where link can jump through time/space to meet up with the other incarnations of the hero of time or whatever. you could revisit the world from each zelda game! maybe ganon somehow gets the same power and is going back to each incarnation to try and stop them all...
  4. SuperAfroBoy

    A Link to the Past.....The Sequel?

    The Legend of Zelda: Another Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Good Old Days
  5. SuperAfroBoy

    A Link to the Past.....The Sequel?

    why not?
  6. SuperAfroBoy

    List of game studios closed since 2006

    Would be interesting also see a list of new studios opened since 2006.
  7. SuperAfroBoy


    maybe if we're lucky they'll go bust like THQ and auction off their IPs. C'MON NINTENDO, PICK UP MEGAMON
  8. SuperAfroBoy

    Road Redemption

    looks like it could be fun
  9. SuperAfroBoy

    A Link to the Past.....The Sequel?

    I still want a FULL BLOWN Paper Zelda spinoff, but this will fill that hole in my life for now.
  10. SuperAfroBoy

    A Link to the Past.....The Sequel?

    This and Animal Crossing are my must buy 3DS titles for this year.
  11. SuperAfroBoy

    Desktops 2013

    i still have the default win7 wallpaper. ewps.
  12. SuperAfroBoy

    Picture Dump

    i told him to give me his happiest smile, and thats what he did.
  13. SuperAfroBoy

    Picture Dump

    gabe's been doing great with his potty training, so this is what he got as a reward:
  14. SuperAfroBoy

    Picture Dump

    got a new hat: aaaand, a coworker and I collaborated to get this birthday present for our boss: (yes, his face has been slightly altered for anonymity)
  15. SuperAfroBoy

    Gamercard Generator Image Request Thread

    welcome to the forums.
  16. SuperAfroBoy

    guess what?!?!?

    Its a song from lonely island boys. If you like their stuff (dick in a box, etc) you'll get a laugh out of it. Personally my favourite song of theirs is yolo.
  17. SuperAfroBoy

    guess what?!?!?

    it's a nautical term that has made its way into common usage as a colloquial way to say you like someone's personality/presentation.
  18. SuperAfroBoy

    guess what?!?!?

    I like this guy's jib. Specifically the cut of it.
  19. SuperAfroBoy

    guess what?!?!?
