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  1. SuperAfroBoy


    can't it be both?
  2. SuperAfroBoy

    Skyrim Impressions Thread

  3. SuperAfroBoy


  4. SuperAfroBoy


  5. SuperAfroBoy

    Xbox One

    Eventually I'll join dat race.
  6. SuperAfroBoy


    I thought about being a college goer once, but then I got high.
  7. SuperAfroBoy

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    :kfc: :chikn:
  8. SuperAfroBoy

    Xbox One

    i'll probably stick with PC and Wii U (once it gets some good games) for a while.
  9. SuperAfroBoy

    Xbox One

    More here: Xbox One Console | Galleries | Joystiq
  10. SuperAfroBoy


    yo sanders, where my chicken at?
  11. SuperAfroBoy

    Have you guys seen this crap?

    best spambot ever
  12. SuperAfroBoy

    Ouya Review / First Impressions

    if i recall, they addressed the issue with the buttons sticking under the controller case for the retail version and said they would be willing to send replacements to backers?
  13. SuperAfroBoy

    Pokemon X and Y

    dunno if anyone else follows the pokeman news, but a few new guys have been revealed recently: yamchan; fighting yayakoma; normal/flying gogoat; grass elikiteru; electric/normal
  14. SuperAfroBoy

    Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

    1. Super Mario 3D Land 2. Tropico 4 3. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 4. Batman Arkham Asylum 5. Tomb Raider 6. Star Wars: Force Unleashed
  15. SuperAfroBoy

    Next Xbox

    spambot has snapped from the pressures of life
  16. SuperAfroBoy

    Zelda ruined forever

    oh man, i enjoy to play it up instantly to the max
  17. SuperAfroBoy

    New Gears of War game!?!??!

    truer words have never been spoken.
  18. SuperAfroBoy

    PS Vita

    dat was me
  19. SuperAfroBoy

    PS Vita

    he a spambot, picking up keywords and posting a reply based on them
  20. SuperAfroBoy

