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  1. SuperAfroBoy

    Nintendo 2013 E3 Press Confe.. eh Direct Live Thread!

    oh lawdy, fairy type
  2. SuperAfroBoy

    Nintendo 2013 E3 Press Confe.. eh Direct Live Thread!

  3. SuperAfroBoy

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    I remember in an older AC game I used to use the letter slots as temporary inventory space, storing items as gifts on letters. That still possible in this one?
  4. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    Okay, that spark thing looks interesting.
  5. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    this game looks like it would have fit better on wii u
  6. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    Tanks for nothing!
  7. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    now this looks like a metal gear game i can get into.
  8. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    so has the stream started yet at Xbox, A New Generation Revealed - ? its not doin nothin for me EDIT: nevermind, i see it starts at 12:30 est i'll prolly watch over at twicthtv
  9. SuperAfroBoy

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Animal Crossing New Leaf Sleeping Dogs Minecraft probably other stuff
  10. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    imma try to watch it at work, hopefully i won't be too busy when it starts.
  11. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    we don't have TV service in our house, who needs it anymore?
  12. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    hey joystiq says this starts at 12:00 eastern, not 1:00 eastern.
  13. SuperAfroBoy

    Microsoft 2013 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    looooool "2:00 PM SAB"
  14. SuperAfroBoy

    Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

    1. Super Mario 3D Land 2. Tropico 4 3. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 4. Batman Arkham Asylum 5. Tomb Raider 6. Star Wars: Force Unleashed 7. Far Cry 3
  15. SuperAfroBoy

    Movie: The Dark Knight Rises

    nothing like a good time pass, amirite?
  16. SuperAfroBoy

    Pokemon X and Y

    dude, it looks super adventurous.