Lulu, if you're looking for the rococo sets try these threads over on the gfaqs trading board:
looking to catalog exotic - offering catalog of lovely/harvest/rococo - Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Online/Trade Message Board for 3DS - GameFAQs
Selling rococo set! - Animal Crossing: New Leaf -...
well, the TV i had on my list is now out of stock, so I shuffled it around a bit and was able to get another of the same size and had room for another 3DS game, so i added project x zone. looks interesting, has anyone here tried it yet?
heh, they asked if i could find the items somewhere other than ebgames, so i found them all at bestbuy but i had to swap the zombiu bundle for just the deluxe, which i'm fine with.
revised list:
47" TV and stand
Wii U ZombiU bundle
Sonic & Sega Racing Transformed
Lego City
Monster Hunter 3 (WIIU)
Luigi's Mansion 3DS
Paper Mario 3DS