PS Vita


Yeah, that's right.
I got the wifi/3g version just because it was better bargain than wifi version - I'll probably never use the 3g aspect of it.

First Impressions:

It's huge, and feels heavy.
Screen is pretty.
Right thumbstick is in an awful spot if you are trying to hit x and square buttons.
Game port cover that requires fingernails to open sucks.
GUI is great and a lot better than archaic PS3/PSP ui.
Initial setup was retarded (having to create dummy account to update to latest firmware so I could use real account).
PSP games look pixelated, but are more vibrant.
Uncharted is way too expensive for a handheld game ($45 on store, $50 at amazon)
Not many games in launch lineup I want to play, let alone pay $35+ for.
Don't want to download retail games off PSN because of limited memory card space, and ridiculous price for bigger memory cards.

So far I give it a C+.
It's funny because their posts usually make more sense than the majority of new people that actually post once or twice and leave.
probably to get you to click dat link in da sig
EDIT:LOL travis changed it to gamerhandles. make the bot work for U!
actuallyyyyyyyyy I didn't. Maybe one of the other mods did, or spambot got confus.