I got the wifi/3g version just because it was better bargain than wifi version - I'll probably never use the 3g aspect of it.
First Impressions:
It's huge, and feels heavy.
Screen is pretty.
Right thumbstick is in an awful spot if you are trying to hit x and square buttons.
Game port cover that requires fingernails to open sucks.
GUI is great and a lot better than archaic PS3/PSP ui.
Initial setup was retarded (having to create dummy account to update to latest firmware so I could use real account).
PSP games look pixelated, but are more vibrant.
Uncharted is way too expensive for a handheld game ($45 on store, $50 at amazon)
Not many games in launch lineup I want to play, let alone pay $35+ for.
Don't want to download retail games off PSN because of limited memory card space, and ridiculous price for bigger memory cards.
So far I give it a C+.
First Impressions:
It's huge, and feels heavy.
Screen is pretty.
Right thumbstick is in an awful spot if you are trying to hit x and square buttons.
Game port cover that requires fingernails to open sucks.
GUI is great and a lot better than archaic PS3/PSP ui.
Initial setup was retarded (having to create dummy account to update to latest firmware so I could use real account).
PSP games look pixelated, but are more vibrant.
Uncharted is way too expensive for a handheld game ($45 on store, $50 at amazon)
Not many games in launch lineup I want to play, let alone pay $35+ for.
Don't want to download retail games off PSN because of limited memory card space, and ridiculous price for bigger memory cards.
So far I give it a C+.