2006 Desktops

the blm af looks dumb imo. its classic, just not cool. and i don't know why, but i really like the rng af. i think i just like them in general. all the af 2s look cooler except the ninja one. i prefer the straight black.

question, are high level drg or bst any good? i feel the urge to have a pet w/o dealing with smn. i think i'd enjoy bst, and while i'm at it.. bsts are best with a single regular ax correct?
DRG is probably the weakest job in the game. BST can be useful, but takes a lot more patience to level especially since the MPK chance which makes it harder for BST to keep pets. BST is hell to level until 35 when you finally get release.

WAR/NIN, SAM and MNK are the popular melee jobs now.

BLM does the most damage of all the jobs now, but BLM can be insanely boring.
i kinda noticed that there hasn't been many plds as i remember. a few high level ones walking around jeuno, but thats about the extent of their existance. maybe thats just my luck. its been utse tanks in every party i've been in almost so far. i personally don't like them as much. whats the MPK thing? and.. blm is boring why? just sitting a lot i'll guess.

i guess what i really want is to be able to solo/duo effectively. i love duo'ing. dunno why. i'd also like to eventually find a nice set party (just seems cool), but i know it doesn't make much sense to do that until higher levels

edit: oh. back in the day i remember drks used to be considered desirable DDs, but i almost never see them around anymore.. that and rngs.

are bsts at all useful in big events like garrisons or whatever?
To solo/duo "effectively" you need to either be a NIN, THF, BST, SMN or at higher levels a BLM. Of course your other friend has to be a healer type, unless you are and it's one of the jobs above.

NIN tank is just alot more efficient than PLD tanks. There are very few mobs that a PLD can tank better than a NIN. Of course they are going to try to change this in a month anyways, as well as all the jobs.

MPK thing makes mobs dissapear when they lose aggro, so if a BST "releases" it, it will dissapear as a result, thus prevent the BST from recharming it. BLM is boring because most of the fight you are just waiting for the SC, but that's how it felt for me; you might like BLM.
THATS AF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 71+ onry


Yeah, nins have taken over us plds. If you do a /sea all nin is actually almost always the first, second, or third most common job, believe it or not. Plds are getting an overhaul with the expansion but I don't expect things to change all that much.

On another note - I swear, I'm still going to find a way for plds to out-do a nin... blink tank, DD, and healer all at the same time? Muahahahahaha! /evil laugh
"I swear, I'm still going to find a way for plds to out-do a nin... blink tank, DD, and healer all at the same time? Muahahahahaha! /evil laugh"

nin can do that already. you phail.