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Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Jul 3, 2013 Admin #1 Direct Link:
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Jul 4, 2013 Moderator #2 oh laaaaawdy
Chris Sweet Little Lies Senior Member Jan 15, 2011 2,157 Jul 4, 2013 #3 Great podcast guys! The clamato reference rofl. Was fun listening to you guys chat about the consoles. Spoiler console games are dead Last edited: Jul 4, 2013
Great podcast guys! The clamato reference rofl. Was fun listening to you guys chat about the consoles. Spoiler console games are dead
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Jul 7, 2013 Moderator #4 an example of Nintendo having it's head and heart in the right place: Iwata: Profitability possible without layoffs | Joystiq
an example of Nintendo having it's head and heart in the right place: Iwata: Profitability possible without layoffs | Joystiq
Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Jul 7, 2013 Thread starter Admin #5 Exactly! As opposed to the recent trend of tapping into a successful franchise, mashing it into the ground in under two years, then firing everyone involved when it ceases to be profitable. (see Assassin's Creed, Guitar Hero/Rock Band), etc.)
Exactly! As opposed to the recent trend of tapping into a successful franchise, mashing it into the ground in under two years, then firing everyone involved when it ceases to be profitable. (see Assassin's Creed, Guitar Hero/Rock Band), etc.)
D Dragonbravo Deku Scrub May 29, 2013 17 Jul 8, 2013 #7 good work nintendo you are highly appreciated
Lulu Kupo! Senior Member Nov 9, 2011 1,120 Jul 8, 2013 #10 METROID and HOLY shit this is an hour long? fack. ACNL 4 LIFEZ