A Father's Day post


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Hey guys! Its been some time since I've done more then just lurk here, eh? A lot of things have changed since Melinda and I have started going out. I no longer live with my parents. I have something more important to spend my time on then video games and the internet. I'm planning on getting married in Mexico... And I've got a lot more responsibilities then I've ever had. Most of these responsibilities are associated with Melinda's almost-eight-years-old daughter. Her real father, from what I know at least, seems like a pretty big loser. As far as I'm concerned, she's better off without him in her life. Even so, until I came around, she didn't really have a father figure. Not that I'm much of a father figure. Hell, a year ago I spent most of my time in my room either masturbating or playing video games. But I try. Really hard. Sometimes I feel like I do a pretty good job. Other times I'm sure that my performance is damn lousy.

Anyway, father's day was never really a big deal for me, I'd usually pick up a card for my father because my mom would remind me to. And if she didn't, then I would forget, and so would my father. No big deal. But today, Sophia (Melinda's daughter) woke us up at like 7:30 in the morning with a piece of folded green construction paper, and a ball of toilet paper. She handed them to me and said "Happy father's day!". Yeah. That felt weird. Weird but good. It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside that I've never had before. It was like she was saying, "Hey, you're doing alright!" I wonder how early she got up to make these things for me. The construction paper was a home made card that read on the outside "Happy Father's day!!!" and "You are the best!!!". On the inside it read "To: Mike, From: Sophia". On the opposite side, "I Love you." She also drew a picture of my Xbox 360, and the two of us standing over what appears to be a small pool of water with some fish in it. And the ball of toilet paper? It was her way of wrapping my present. A small black stone painted to look like a lady bug.

Melinda scooted her back to her room, and put her back into her bed. We laid in bed for a while, Melinda fell asleep pretty quickly, but I didn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what may have been the best present I'd ever received...

/long post

Just needed to let that out. If you're still reading, thanks.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Wow, that's amazing. And to think how we all met allllll those years ago back when we were so young.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Thats good mang that you're happy. ^___________^

You should upload video from wedding so we can see it, or go all out and have live streamin from wedding lolz.


Nov 10, 2003
Yeah seriously. Pull some of your tech support strings and you can install some monitors on the groom's side and we'll all watch. Congrats SAB!


Monkeys killing monkeys
Senior Member
Nov 20, 2007

what did everyone do for their dads?..
myself since i have no idea where mine is. i sent a lame Ecard =/. all i could do.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I had absolutely no idea it was father's day because it's a different date in the UK for whatever reason

But yeah SAB keep on rockin'


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Glad to see everything is going good on your end, SAB. From creating naked avatars of yourself to everything that's happening now, looks like everything is going good. Good luck to your future endeavours, and I expect my wedding invitation in the mail soon. Or at least a post telling us you're going to broadcast live over the internet. BRAWL TV.