

Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
<img src="">

Oh well. This thread is kinda reduntant as it's not really about the picture above. I'm looking for a theme for this site as I'm tired of this deadness. Previous threads have yielded very little user support, and if that were to here; I guess I would have to pick the topic and would probably alienate most of you away from here, as the topic would probably not interest you. The only thing that I am even considering right now is a FFXI site, which I know a whole 2 of us play (me and ultima - however I hear aaron is getting the game, and jerint will be too). I guess when I created this site I didn't want a gaming site, but that leads me nowhere, as there isn't really much anything else that interests me (except for cars and computers). None of the other suggestions appeal to me. So if anyone has ANY suggestions on what should happen to the site, just post it. This is the last time I'm asking, and I would really be disappointed if there is a lack of user say in it, but I will choose if I have too.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Well, how about just a FF site instead of a particular FF game? Because the more broad the category, the more people will be interested in it.
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The Assman
Nov 10, 2003
That would be the best idea, since most (if not all) of the people here like the FF series.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I agree with the FF idea. And we should get some people to make a weekly comic or something.


Nov 10, 2003
I third the Final Fantasy Idea. Though there could be an alternate forum for "Other Games" So that The Halo/CS nuts could talk too.

All in all, a computer gaming forum, or a gaming forum would be best in my idea. Oh, and I'll see you in Vana'Diel once I have the money to pay for playing the game monthly, Trav. That is, if You want me to play on your server and get me a world pass when I do get it. ;) Otherwise I'll just go beg for one at PA.

Edit: I could do a comic, possibly. If no one else volunteers.
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Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
We need to make this a site where people go to for advice, resources, news, and/or enjoyment. The only other times I visit another forum is when I'm searching for some information on things I have questions about that I think the site might have an answer to. I don't search for online communities or general discussion boards. I think that we should have a site based on something that people could very easily have some questions about or that we could have long drawn out conversations about something specific. The only problem with going with something specific is that it could get boring after awhile. We need to find some kind of median between a specific game and a general discussion board. I've seen these forums go from people getting bored of the same old specific topic to bored of no topic at all.
Role playing games (Final Fantasy XI?) is a good idea I think. There are a lot of confusing things about the whole FFXI deal and I'm sure there are plenty of people who have a similar confusion. This could be a site that people go to get answers for FFXI. The more active users could talk about their adventures and accomplishments in the FFXI world, or we could organize parties and meet in the FFXI online world. I think this site could go beyond these forums if we went with a popular ONLINE game. Thats why I suggested FFXI over any other. If we did go with something more general like RPGs then we'd have to make sure we don't get too general like these forums right now.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
i agree that it shouldnt just be general discussion, it needs some topic, even if its a broad one like video games, people dont generally seek out chat forums unless they are linked to some site. they usually go to chat rooms if they want some general banter


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
That's probably a better idea. I'm just thinking that we need something that people will actually look for on a search engine. I don't search for general RPG forums. I look for specific games that I'm interested in, but we don't want to get so specific that only a few of us like the topic.


The Assman
Nov 10, 2003
That's why I say we should just narrow it down to the FF series. Not so narrow, though, that we only have a message board about just FFXI. I think that FFXI should get its own forum, if this idea goes through.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I say the Final Fantasy series, with a seperate forum dedicated to FFXI. (Which I won't be getting, btw.)

Don Francisco

Hm. Yeah. FF series sounds good.
Oh, and don't forget me! I'm also getting FFXI. A month left...
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Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
I have FFXI already, but my computer is too crappy to run it. I may not be able to get a new computer until the middle of March. It could be a few more weeks for me.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
i dont like the idea of games on the computer, maybe b/c i dont have my on and the two we have are both in the cold basement, hmmm