Bronson's thread


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
Welcome to Bronson's thread. I'm Bronson. In this thread I will state all the ways in which the world has disappointed me in the past 24 hours. Think about it as the Festivus airing of the Grievances. I got alot of problems with you people, and now you're gonna hear about em!

So my dumbass friend Seth was supposed to go to the South Carolina/Florida game, but he thought it was next weekend.

So then I had three choices. I could sell the tickets and use the money to go back to Easley for the weekend, go to the game by myself, or sleep all day. I put the tickets up for sale on the South Carolina forums but nobody wanted to buy cause I guess they already had tickets or they were just being assholes. Anyway, that eliminated going home because I didn't have the money to make the trip, so it was between use the tickets and sleep.

I slept. But I woke up just in time to listen to the game on the radio.

South Carolina lost by 20. While I was sleeping fucking Patrick gained 100 posts on me in our race to 2000. So while listening to the Gamecocks absolutely suck, we had an epic race to the end, which he won. And it's only fitting that after we get to 2k, I take the lead again. Awesome, huh?

Then Logan and I get on GH3 and play some co-op and stuff which was ok. He left to go play Scene It and I stayed on GH3 cause I can't afford another game right now. So I sat there for 20 minutes trying to find a game online, and couldn't connect to anyone. Literally. I failed to connect to at least 15 different players. Eventually I gave up and played NCAA Football 08. I played one game and lost by 17.

Since then I've been watching Scrubs which has been pretty good, but overall today was shit.

Well I guess that's all for today. See ya tomorrow!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
You started posting like 3 times in a row and I had been up by 10 or so throughout the race but when I was making my thread when I got to 2000 you had 1997! Pretty close.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
So today was pretty uneventful in the ways of disappointment. Mainly cause I slept all day. But there are a few things I could point out.

-The Titans lost
-I'm lost in my most important fantasy football league
-I can't beat Lou on Expert in GH3
-I'm hungry


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
you beat the shit out of me in our fantasy league. thanks a lot, team!


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003

nothing real bad happened today. in fact, it was pretty good. then again i didn't leave my apartment so it's kinda easy to not get mad at people when you dont talk to a single one all day.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
I went home for a few days this week. all in all a good trip, but one thing did inspire me to write in this thread again.


why can't people fucking drive? how hard is it? especially on the interstate. it's a straight damn line. you have the right lane for slow people and the left lane for people who aren't retarded. but sometimes you have the people that htink just because they're going faster than the people in the right lane, they should be in the left lane.


wrong shithead. the fast lane is for people like me who go 15-20 mph over the speed limit, not 10 miles under it. then you have city drivers who are even worse cause they skid across three lanes of traffic while slamming on their brakes cause they almost passed the ihop.

i hate people.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Oh and I has another red bar, only 4 more to go until I fill the activity meter


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
Let me tell you how awful the past 3 days have been.

I went back to Easley/Greenville area Wednesday night. I stopped at Chili's cause I needed to talk to Dawn. She and I had planned to go to the Clemson/South Carolina game Saturday, and i needed to get some details from her, but she wasn't there. It's like the first Wednesday night she hasn't worked in three months, but if course it's the one i come see her on. So I go to my mom's house and hang out there for awhile. About 10 I get bored and decide to go back up the Chili's and see what some other friends of mine were doing that night. Little did I know that everyone that's ever worked there would be there. I walk in and a girl I used to like is there with her boyfriend. She and I were really good friends for awhile and we went out once but nothing really happened. Anyway her boyfriend is a total dick, and I've disliked him since the first time I met him (which was long before they started goin out). So I basically got a guilt trip put on me by my other friends for not wanting to hang out, so I followed them back to one of my friend's house, where I was miserable until I left.

Thursday rolled along and my mom's side of the family came to her house. I don't like my mom's side of the family, so that just set everything off on the wrong foot. After we ate I left to go to my grandparents' house for dinner with my dad's side of the family. This is the time when my grandpa decides to lecture me for not living the right way, particularly playing video games and staying up too late. Now I currently don't have a job, but when I do, it's usually at night, so why not stay up late and sleep late?

Today I was supposed to come back to Columbia in the afternoon, but I had left my cell phone at my friend's house Wednesday night. One of my other friends had picked it up for me but I needed to get it back from her, so I went to Chili's so I could meet her. I finally got ahold of her at about 5 pm, and she said they were about to eat dinner, then she had to help her grandfather do something and then she'd be up there. Well she finally walked in the door at 9. I sat up there and talked to her for a little while, then once again got guilt tripped into going out. I finally left Greenville at 1:30 and started back on the two hour drive to Columbia. Did I mention that my heater is broken and tonight was the coldest night of the year so far? Just to give you an idea of who cold I was, I walked into my apartment and wondered how warm it was in here since I had turned the thermostat off before I left. It was 60 degrees in here.

Oh and USC is gonna get killed tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have plenty to write tomorrow night too.