Chat room


Yeah, that's right.
How many are interested in it, and if you are what times are you sure you'll be available for it. I'd like to try to set up a weekly one, and if theres enough interest maybe a couple times a week. Try to tell me timezone you are in as well, since that is needed.
Um... I don't have IRC. And I can't really imagine what in the hell we'd talk about. But if I did download IRC and I joined, it would probably be during strange times (probably during the day every once in a while). I'm in eastern time, of course.
All the regulars except Ultima (if you can still call him a regular) are in Eastern time, I believe. Well, I don't know where SAB is.
i'm in atlantic time, just one hour ahead of eastern.

EDIT: oh, and I get home from work around 4 eastern, and usually go to bed around 11 eastern. between that i'd be on now and then
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I think most people are usually on in the evenings est time, since our prime time on the forums seems to be around 7-8 pm. I'll probably schedule it for a tuesday or thursday around that time. Still not sure.

I need a decent mirc client. The one I had, and bobcobb can attest to this, sucks ass. I hate scripts that write out "lol" or whatever. Also need a decent server, I don't think some people would like the south african server if its even still up.

neh, this came to mind. its tabletop rpgs put online. if you've never experienced it before then its worth a try. its got all kinds of features including a dice roller.. this'd give it a sort of structure instead of casual chatting about how small kuro's dick is.

usually when i do this online though it ends up being more of a ROLL playing thing than role playing. what i mean is open ended tabletops were ment for just that, table tops, not computers. but it could easily be turned into more of a challenging video game-like deal. we could find a newer system or go with an old one that some people might know (dungeons and dragons, star wars). its just an idea, and it'd give something more to post about.