Christmas 2012

Hey guys I'm picking up a 3DS for myself for xmas this weekend, probably the bundle that comes with Mario 3D Land. I'll pick up another game to go with it, but I'm not sure which to get. I was thinking either Paper Mario, Professor Layton, or OOT3D. Which should I get? Or any other suggestions?
ehhh those are all okay, the best out of all of em is probably Zelda. Other than that III don't know your interests, but I am personally looking forward to owning Dream Drop KH and FE Awakening
Paper Mario is kinda MEH. Beat it and probably won't ever play it again. Super Mario 3d land is pretty good, but probably won't be memorable. Haven't played Professor Layton. OOT is nifty, but it basically a port of the n64 game with some new textures. It's not really a true remake as it doesn't really include many changes except the inventory system is easier to keep up with. It does include the master quest when you beat the regular mode. I would recommend this one simply for the longevity and of course Zelda unless you are burned out on beating OOT of course.

Also, all those games you listed can be downloaded off the eShop which is what I do since it's more convenient and you don't have to keep track of cartridges. I'm not sure if you can get the games cheaper in Canada, but Nintendo first party games don't usually drop in price very fast so just something to think about.
I dunno, I am pretty hesitant about getting OOT simply because I've beaten this game sooooo many times. Maybe Scribblenauts Unlimited would be a better choice? I enjoyed the first one quite a bit.
That or Epic Mickey has had some good reviews. BUT Zelda in 3D is never a bad thing

I haven't really played since the version for 64.

I tried playing the PS2 version years ago, but it was so overcomplicated and I traded it with a friend for FFIX (which I still have yet to play)

I haven't really played since the version for 64.

I tried playing the PS2 version years ago, but it was so overcomplicated and I traded it with a friend for FFIX (which I still have yet to play)

I tried playing one of the GBA versions but I didnt exactly understand what to do, Ive always wanted to try it

and Casey, You should play FFIX (its my favorite in the series)
Yup, FFIX is my favourite too. Its the one I came closest to finishing. And Oobs you gotta give HM a chance. The GBA ones are still some of the best in the series, and easy to emulate now, so you should try playing Friends of Mineral Town again.
I want to play it! Just have to find time.

Wish I could find it on the PSNetwork so I could put it on my psp and play it on the way to work. (I carpool)
I want to play it! Just have to find time.

Wish I could find it on the PSNetwork so I could put it on my psp and play it on the way to work. (I carpool)

or you can mod your PSP and just put PS1 games on there, I do it all the time
Actually yeah, Harvest Moon is gonna be a fantastic game. I wish we sold it at my work e_e