News Dissidia Month on Gamer Handles



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
From now and until August 25th, it will be Dissidia Month on the website. During this time frame we'll be devoting most of our attention to new information on Dissidia: Final Fantasy and anything related as Dissidia: Final Fantasy is one of the most anticipated titles for the PlayStation Portable.

For those that don't know, Dissidia: Final Fantasy is an action-RPG developed by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable system to commemorate 20 years since the first Final Fantasy game on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players will be able to choose a hero or a villain from each of the main storyline games in the Final Fantasy series to battle it out with other Final Fantasy characters.

However, our big announcement is saved for last. <b>We'll be opening a tournament in the coming week, and at the end of the tournament the winner will receive a free copy of Dissidia: Final Fantasy.</b> Check back for future information and details regarding this tournament.


Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
it was from some commercial a long time ago. i think me and logan are the only ones who know what it is.