[Fixed] PSN API Broken


Yeah, that's right.
Looks like the PSN API I use is broken because of changes Sony made on their website. I would know a way around this using a direct link to a user's profile, but it seems Sony changed this as well since you can't access profiles anymore without submitting a stupid form on their website.

So for now, PSN stuff isn't going to update.

Thanks Sony!
Hey so yours seems to work, and it says [fixed]...how come mine don't work?
There we go. It was a bug in the script (kept setting your active setting to "no").

Good thing yours messed up because I probably wouldn't have caught it otherwise. Stupid logic on my part anyways. (If level = 0 { set active = no }) which means it can't unset itself to check if level is not 0. OOPS.
I believe this is now fixed again, still doing testing, but so far seems to be working pretty good. Now I just need to improve the xbox side and all would be GOOD.
Don't look like it :( Still showing Watch Dogs as my last played game, which, thank fuck, it ain't
Have you updated your trophies on PS4? Mine never updates itself until I go to trophies menu on PS4 and sync it.

Edit: Looks like it has your updated games in database, I'll look into why it hasn't updated image wise yet.
Yeah I synced it on PS4. I wish they'd just make it so that happens automatically. Why wouldn't I want my trophies to be updated?
So I've been trying to rewrite the xbox side of the code as well, but the guy who runs the new API I was trying to switch over too won't answer my emails about how his documentation is way out of date.. It's been over two weeks, and I'm paying monthly for this? Come on guy.
Ok, I've reworked this whole thing today and I'm pretty sure its working great now. Just gotta wait for images to update.
Lol yeah it's got Dragon Age right at least. I haven't bought Kingdom Hearts 2.5 yet so I dunno why it's showing that. But hey it's progress!
r u srs?

Now its not showing ps avatars! Back to work. Bug fix bug fix bug fix.