Fossil Fuels


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
and hey. don't flame people for their opinions.

Don Francisco

"When I brought up free transit you brought up buses. And as you state now they are not free. And I doubt they will become free."
Ok, let's put it this way. You wanted mass transit for low-income people. I brought up buses. They aren't free, but they are a ton cheaper than buying your own car and paying for your own gas. You won't find free buses.

"would you drive a car that you couldn't refuel?
do you think it'd be a sound investment to provide fuel for cars that no one drives?"
As soon as there is a demand for those cars to hit the market in large quantities (right now I don't know a single person driving a hybrid car), the pumps will show up. In any case, last time I checked, hybrids don't need a pump for their electric engine (isn't it just plug in at home?).

"and if you think buisinesses aren't trying to screw us over, take a look at the petroleum industry."
Really, it's too complicated to know what's going on with that right now. The recent surge of prices can be due to multiple factors, including OPEC decreasing production and the rigs in the Gulf Coast getting raped. If there weren't a problem with the petroleum industry, the alternate fuel source issue wouldn't be so hot.

"They'll just do what they can, as cheap as they can, to get your money."
Exactly. It's not so much that they care about your well being, but that pissing you off (by 'you' I mean the public) is bad for them, so they'll avoid doing it.

I actually feel bad about flaming, I just get so pissed off with these "cream puff" arguments. In any case, we have already established numerous times that discussing politics in these forums is just stupid.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Exactly. It's not so much that they care about your well being, but that pissing you off (by 'you' I mean the public) is bad for them, so they'll avoid doing it.

Of course, but what I mean is that companies walk that thin line between pissing you off and getting your money. Sometimes they can even do both, ESPECIALLY when there is nothing we can do about it. I.E. Gas. There's nothing we can do about it if they charge us $5, $10, or more for gas. We can't just stop going to work. We can't just live in the cold freezing our ass off. Public transportation isn't available everywhere, and biking/walking can be out of the question too. Maybe in the (near)future alot of us can work at home, although I doubt it's possible for many jobs. So, I think even if they can't find something to totally replace gasoline, at least find something to give it competition. I don't really find that the different oil companies even pay attention to one another. It seems they all charge the same price for gas. Like it's one big company. Feels like too much of a monopoly on our lives to me.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
On another note, I'm surprised they brought gas prices back down at all. Seeing how people were still buying it. Although I doubt it will go back down to the prices it was before, even when they were expensive. $30 to fill up my car is ridiculous, especially when I have to drive 80-100 miles every other day.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Buses cost a lot of money to fuel a tank. Subways are expensive anyway. If it becomes free, I'm thinking it will crowd everyone and the people that don't need it will take it, and the people that need it can't because everyone else is using it.

Edit: ROFL second page didn't see.

Gas is going down a little right now because Bush pulled some of our supply out of its stores. Before taking any out there was enough to last the US 3 months. Don't know how much he took out.
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Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
i'm tellin you.. its all about the nukes.

i think we can agree that a change is definitely needed. and by a change, i mean a new source of fuel. gasoline will soon be out of the picture due to cost efficient reasoning.

Don Francisco

Well, we can safely say that there's a lot of things wrong with the oil industry. Actually, one of the problems I see with gas is that the large gas station corporations (Exxon, Mobil, Shell, etc.) have contracts with a single gas company. Only the small "family owned" gas stations can shop around for the lowest price. So obviously these large gas companies can continue to charge high prices and the invisible hand can't do its thing.
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Yes this place will be rather fun.

My stepfather used to work at a gas station his father owned and he says that he learned one thing. The big lines are constantly trying to rip people off and so are the gas stations so you being ripped off multiple times down the line.

Don Francisco

Somehow I find it hard to believe that the gas stations are ripping people off, there is simply too much competition in that market. Just make sure you realize there's a difference between ripping people off and making a profit.


Yes I do I also notice now when i go down a street with three gas stations on it they are all at different prices.


Sep 24, 2005
yeah, there is a line between ripping people off and making a profit.
just no one's afraid to cross it.

a lot.


like compare costco gas prices to any other gas station its very low yet they still make enough of a profit to stay in buisness


Sep 24, 2005
the thing is that the family owned ones don't have their own gas pumps in argentina. if they did, then prices would always be a lot more competitive, but as it is, they still have to buy it from other oil companies. therfore, they take as much of it up the ass as we do.


Deku Sprout
Sep 25, 2005
The problem isnt fule, its population, and totalitarian agriculture. We have turned agenst the rules of nature and we are paying for it, just wait there will be a collapse soon and this flawed exparement will be swept away.


Sep 28, 2005
No, we just need to make filters to recycle all of the carbon in the atmosphere to reform it into hydrocarbons of the proper length to create fuels such as gasoline and diesel D: And we'll make the hippykids and environmentalists happy as we'll be haulting global warming.