Game: Final Fantasy XI 360 (Impressions)


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I got OXM, wasted a few hours installing it, played for 5 minutes as a Mithra (mmm) and the uninstalled it. And played Geometry Wars.


Nov 10, 2003
that's way too much to read.

ffxi + monthly fees + complete loss of social life <<<<<<<<<< 5 bucks for gw


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
It's a beta server, pretty much everyone will get wiped when beta ends. Did you expect there to be any differences between PC, PS2, and Xbox360 FFXI? It's a <b>port</b>. The only difference is the longer draw distance, and HD support.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
the review i read said it was the exact same thing. i imagine you'd spend your time better by doing odd quests seeing as they'd give the same amount of money. not to mention conquest item sales. how long has the beta been out? theres already 55's?

Don Francisco

"It's a beta server, pretty much everyone will get wiped when beta ends."

You really think SE is going to make 4,000 people start with a fresh character after 4 months of playing when it's so easy for them to just move them over to another server? They'd lose a lot of people, and they're trying to bring new people into the game with the 360. It's just plain dumb to wipe it all.

"Did you expect there to be any differences between PC, PS2, and Xbox360 FFXI? It's a port."

No, I didn't expect them to change anything. I'm actually surprised they added the HD compatibility. I was just stating that since I was trying to, you know, write an actual review.

The Beta has been open for almost two weeks (I think). Yeah, it's pretty crazy that there's already people in the 50's. They're all JPs, though, and they probably play like 24/7.
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Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Master Yoda said:
"It's a beta server, pretty much everyone will get wiped when beta ends."

You really think SE is going to make 4,000 people start with a fresh character after 4 months of playing when it's so easy for them to just move them over to another server? They'd lose a lot of people, and they're trying to bring new people into the game with the 360. It's just plain dumb to wipe it all.

That's what they did with the NA beta back in 2003. Everyone was on cactuar, and got wiped when NA launched.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
In all honesty, I can't see how anyone could play this game with the way the economy is now, unless you have a job already at 75 or are a gilbuyer.

GMs in the game are obviously biased towards the japanese side, and anyone at 75 will know this. SE support is pretty much useless. Nevertheless, it's the only MMORPG I can enjoy at times, as WoW and GW are vastly overrated IMO. And the way GamePro totally sucks wow's slong is nausating. I can tell who got paid for the good review there.

With FFXI's long drawn out gameplay, an overwhelming sense of accomplishment is there when you finally get somewhere, or do something.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
WoW sucks. Way too many people at school are addicted, and they don't realize they sound like complete fags when they don't talk about anything else. Wherever you go on campus you can always find somebody playing it.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
WoW was terrible. Worst $50 I've ever spent. Played it for like 3 days and uninstalled it.

Why it gets good reviews everywhere is beyond me. The graphics, gameplay all suck. The only thing that might be interesting is the community, as it seems to be way better than FFXI's.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Yeah, I can't freakin' stand the art style in WoW. People say it's 'artistic', but they're actually just mistaken. It's actually complete shit. And I bet there are just as many fucktards playing WoW as there are in FFXI. More probably since there are over 5 million players.

Don Francisco

Eh, WoW actually has an incredibly low fucktard rating. As I've said before, I think it's 'cause the dying penalty is almost non-existant. People in the game are very chillax. Another factor could be that the constant battle between the alliance and the horde creates a sense of unity on whichever side you're on. It seems like there's always someone willing to help out if you're having trouble, unlike in FFXI where when I do a /sh for help on AF or a mission or whatever 99% of the replies are from "mercenaries" trying to charge me for them to solo it.

"That's what they did with the NA beta back in 2003. Everyone was on cactuar, and got wiped when NA launched."

Really? Shit. Guess there's no reason to play the beta now. I've been thinking about going back and playing some more paladin on PC with Hoth but I'm too busy right now. Maybe in April or so when things cool down (and I can go in just in time for the expansion).

WoW is a very good game in its own unique kind of way. I can see why people would really like it. I respect Blizzard for creating such a kickass MMORPG with so much to do and so little problems. The Blizzard forums are actually useful and their customer support is absolutely amazing. Not to mention they keep a constant stream of new stuff to keep the gameplay new and exciting, unlike FFXI which has only seen one expansion so far (well, WoW has had no expansions, but some of the patches have completely changed the way some classes are played and they add new areas and stuff). Still, I know WoW isn't for everyone (including me - I simply can't get addicted to it like I do to FFXI). It's a different kind of experience. There certainly isn't that sense of accomplishment that you get from FFXI from beating Maat or reaching level 75 or getting some super rare NM drop. Most people have multiple characters at 60 (some kids in my school have 3 or 4 level 60s) and people don't really care that much what kind of gear you use.