Gameboy Micro?


Senior Member
My friend called and told me about a gameboy micro...probably another Nintendo gimmick, heard it sold for $100. Anyone know anything about it yet?
I saw the info on it during e3 nintendos said most people have small pockets and they want something that fits
The Micro is just another scheme to get Gameboy fans to purchase the same system packaged differently *cough*again*cough*.
Gameboy Youregonnaloseit. Following the trend of the iPod Youregonnaloseit and the iPod Hopeyouwontmissthethreehundreddollarsyoujustdroppeddownadrain.

Such thoughts bring happiness to my heart.
I have recurring nightmares of a "new" pokmon game coming out with every "new" Game Boy. Honestly, both are just prettied up versions of the same thing.
I remeber back before ipods were hip there was a small period of time there where they were mocked then they took off.
psychopathic101 said:
My friend called and told me about a gameboy micro...probably another Nintendo gimmick, heard it sold for $100. Anyone know anything about it yet?

I wouldn't own it! :rolleyes: Love the SP! :D