Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

Update: Found Silver quickly. Was beaten into submission by Red just as quickly. This ends now.
Final update:

Dave, I know all about Red. Hes on top of Mt. Silver in the snow. I have about 3 different versions of his theme song. He is easy as hell. Snorlax is weak to FIGHTING, Lapras is weak to ELECTRIC, Charizard is weak to ELECTRIC, pikachu is weak to GROUND, venasaur is weak to FIRE, Blastorise is weak to ELECTRIC. easyyyyyy mode. eh, i probably spelled alot of the pokemans names wrong, but you get me.
I don't fucking remember the games I beat since you moved the forums but I'll try.

BL2: Big Game Hunt
Final Fantasy III
Dark Cloud 2
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Mortal Kombat
AC3 DLC: The Infamy
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood
ME3: Citadel
AC3 DLC: The Betrayal
GoW: Judgment
KH: Birth by Sleep
AC: Rearmed
AC: Recollection
AC3 DLC: The Redemption
Darksiders II
Max Payne 3
Zone of the Enders
Halo 4
Hitman: Absolution
Uncharted 2
NiGHTS into Dreams
BL2: Assault on Dragon Keep
Dead Island
FF Dimensions
Quantum Conundrum
Amazing Spider-Man

add: Chaos Rings
ZotE: The 2nd Runner
GTA: San Andreas
Beyond Good and Evil
The Last of Us
Dust: An Elysium Tale
Arkham Origins
what did you think of arkham origins scrapston

ehhh. it was fun. some great joker/batman moments. but it literally froze on me about 20 times and glitched like a mofo. terribly put together. i enjoyed it but i dont think as much as the first 2. im playing multiplayer right now which is impossible to find a game in. its a cool concept but will get boring in a couple days.

i also played Brothers.
BL2: Big Game Hunt
Final Fantasy III
Dark Cloud 2
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Mortal Kombat
AC3 DLC: The Infamy
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood
ME3: Citadel
AC3 DLC: The Betrayal
GoW: Judgment
KH: Birth by Sleep
AC: Rearmed
AC: Recollection
AC3 DLC: The Redemption
Darksiders II
Max Payne 3
Zone of the Enders
Halo 4
Hitman: Absolution
Uncharted 2
NiGHTS into Dreams
BL2: Assault on Dragon Keep
Dead Island
FF Dimensions
Quantum Conundrum
Amazing Spider-Man
Chaos Rings
ZotE: The 2nd Runner
GTA: San Andreas
Beyond Good and Evil
The Last of Us
Dust: An Elysium Tale
Arkham Origins

add: BL2: Blood Harvest
Chrono Trigger
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag