Games You've Beaten So Far v.2013

BL2: Big Game Hunt
Final Fantasy III
Dark Cloud 2
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
Mortal Kombat
AC3 DLC: The Infamy
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood
ME3: Citadel
AC3 DLC: The Betrayal
GoW: Judgment
KH: Birth by Sleep
AC: Rearmed
AC: Recollection
AC3 DLC: The Redemption
Darksiders II
Max Payne 3
Zone of the Enders
Halo 4
Hitman: Absolution
Uncharted 2
NiGHTS into Dreams
BL2: Assault on Dragon Keep
Dead Island
FF Dimensions
Quantum Conundrum
Amazing Spider-Man
Chaos Rings
ZotE: The 2nd Runner
GTA: San Andreas
Beyond Good and Evil
The Last of Us
Dust: An Elysium Tale
Arkham Origins
BL2: Blood Harvest
Chrono Trigger
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

add: BL2: Wobble Gobbler
Dead Space 3
Chaos Rings Omega
BL2: How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day
Mark of the Ninja
AC4: Freedom Cry
Well a couple of them are BS. Rearmed and Recollection don't really count as games. And the BL2 Headhunter DLCs were like an hour long each. Some are mobile games that I just play on my phone when normal people would just be mindlessly browsing facebook. I try to play an hour a night and maybe 2-3 hours on the weekends. Just dedicated to the cause is all.