so, its a little late, but i'm finally working on my portfolio for the graphics design course that I hope to get in. here's the required pictures:
1. Draw a self portrait (head and shoulders only), using a mirror for reference. Use a soft pencil or other tonal tool to complete the assignment.
2. Using a black felt pen, sit in a corner of any room in your house and draw the entire contents of the room in front of you, being as accurate as possible and including everything that you can see.
3. Design a symbol or icon to represent any two of the following concepts: farmer, elevator, chemistry, astronomy, internet cafe, and courier. Create the symbol for each, in black and white only; center each on a separate page, making your designs no less than 5" square in size; do not use a computer to create these solutions; draw and ink by hand; and be as neat as possible with your work. Look at some other logos and symbols that surround us each day and use these as inspiration and reference.
4. Design a poster for a music festival in your area. It can be any style of music, from hip-hop to folk. Make up all the details you need, such as dates, time and place. Make sure the poster is no larger than 11 x 14. Use as many colors as necessary
5. Using only various letter shapes create a black and white abstract composition.
6. Submit three pieces of work you have created in the last year. On the back of each write a description of the project or why you created the work. At least two must be in color.
7. Prepare a typewritten 400-500 word statement describing what you would like to get out of this program and what you would like to do in this field or industry once you graduate.
i'm not looking forward to the self portrait, but whatever.
so far i have number 2 done, and hopefully i can get another done today.
1. Draw a self portrait (head and shoulders only), using a mirror for reference. Use a soft pencil or other tonal tool to complete the assignment.
2. Using a black felt pen, sit in a corner of any room in your house and draw the entire contents of the room in front of you, being as accurate as possible and including everything that you can see.
3. Design a symbol or icon to represent any two of the following concepts: farmer, elevator, chemistry, astronomy, internet cafe, and courier. Create the symbol for each, in black and white only; center each on a separate page, making your designs no less than 5" square in size; do not use a computer to create these solutions; draw and ink by hand; and be as neat as possible with your work. Look at some other logos and symbols that surround us each day and use these as inspiration and reference.
4. Design a poster for a music festival in your area. It can be any style of music, from hip-hop to folk. Make up all the details you need, such as dates, time and place. Make sure the poster is no larger than 11 x 14. Use as many colors as necessary
5. Using only various letter shapes create a black and white abstract composition.
6. Submit three pieces of work you have created in the last year. On the back of each write a description of the project or why you created the work. At least two must be in color.
7. Prepare a typewritten 400-500 word statement describing what you would like to get out of this program and what you would like to do in this field or industry once you graduate.
i'm not looking forward to the self portrait, but whatever.
so far i have number 2 done, and hopefully i can get another done today.