Happy 18th Birthday Nintendo 64!


Exactly 18 years ago today, the Nintendo 64 was released in North America. With it's weird joystick and funky controller layout, the Nintendo 64 paved the way into true 3D gameplay. Mario 64 really showcased just what this 64-bit system could do, and Ocarina of Time still sits at the top of video game rankings. So what better time to pull out your Nintendo 64 and play Mario Party with some friends?

What were your favorite moments of the Nintendo 64 era?

Also, have you played Hyrule Warriors yet?

That's right everybody, it's 18! You could fuck it. If you wanted to, I mean.

Launch games? LAUNCH GAMES. Pilotwings! SM64! WAVE RACE.
Man, with the exception of Mario 64 and Zelda, preeeeeeeeetty much all N64 (and also PS1) games have aged terribly. Like, so bad.
mario kart 64? donkey kong 64? goldeneye....ehhh...that aged terribly too. but still fun to play.

anyway,im just glad n64 can pose in playboy now.
I remember my mom not letting me get Perfect Dark when it came out because it was too violent. But I got the game eventually so apparently I managed to convince her otherwise. That game was awesome.
I remember my mom not letting me get Perfect Dark when it came out because it was too violent. But I got the game eventually so apparently I managed to convince her otherwise. That game was awesome.

I played the remastered version on 360. it was awesome too.