it turns out today is worse then yesterday. i backed into a car today while i was in town getting lunch for my boss. and i have no insurance. i have no idea what the fuck is going to happen... i just hope i didn't screw myself and my wife over.
i couldn't run, she was in the car. anyway, it all worked out fine. it turns out the girls husband is friends with my father, so he's going easy on me. he'll get the car repaired, he estimated it'd be $500, and let me pay him back. my father even offered to pay it for me!
Christ I don't think my housemates have gotten their asses off the couch/my xbox literally all goddamned day, since I woke up 14 hours ago to now. Pretty soon I'm just taking it into my room.
Meh, I have no TV and I don't miss it at all. I spent waaay too much time watching crap 'cause there was nothing better to do. Now, I just download the important shows.