

Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Ok guys.. I really don't like how dead this forums seems to become (whereas everytime we SAY it's dead it just sparks life for a little while).  Anyways, I would like to grow a larger and more devoted userbase.  Now, I know most of you are going to say "make the site about something", well I guess that will help attract members, but at ZX, it never really attracted members and the people that WERE members never talked about Zelda, so I have doubts about that... not to mention I am not sure what to base the site on at all, so lets try some other suggestions.

I was thinking about maybe lessening the number of forums we have, and taking the post from them and adding them to another forum (so it actually looks like we are more lively than we seem, which can be a cheap but sometimes effective way to gain members).  Also, I would like some of you to maybe ask your friends, or at least advertise our forums somewhere (please don't spam forums.. as that will only generate hate towards the site).  That might help too.  Anyways, I would really like to see the activeness increase around here, and if you have ANY suggestions at all, even if they are about me or the moderators, or any of the other members (good or bad), I will take them into consideration.  Of course if you rather just PM me, instead of posting, thats fine as well.


Nov 10, 2003
The DekuBoards just moved. Perhaps the people over at RPG Nation, their new host, would like another board to visit, aka this one. I would mention it in passing over there, thought they seem about as active as this forum.

Also, without necessarily giving this place a topic, what reason besides the boards do people have to come back here day after day?
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