Ignore this post.

He said "Edit: thank God!", but it didn't say he edited his post at the bottom. You know the "last edited by..." crap.
Hmm, I am pretty sure it only says that if you edit it like a minute after its posted. It doesnt say it no matter when or where I do it :P
Yeah, there is like a minute or two wait after it's initially posted before it adds the "last edited by" message when editted.

Anyway, welcome!
Guys, we don't need mini-mods. If we feel a thread is in the wrong place (or actually care) we will move it.
I've noticed, whenever someone says "Ignore this post", it gets a high post count. =P I guess everyone puposely don't listen to people, and do the opposite.
Mega, it's the same reason as why you don't tell a child "don't you try to take a cookie from the cookie jar". If you call attention to it by saying no one can have it, or that you don't need to pay attention to it they pay attention.

Which was not my intention.