Legend of Zelda Monopoly Preorder Now Available


A Legend of Zelda edition of Monopoly is set to release on September 15th and is available for preorder on Gamestop for $39.99. The Gamestop edition also includes exclusive items that other retailers will not have.

As you can see from the images attached, the set includes quite a bit. Here is a quick rundown of everything included:

  • Houses renamed Deku Sprouts, Hotels renamed Deku Trees
  • Chance and Community Chest cards are renamed Empty Bottle and Treasure Chest
  • Custom Deed Cards
  • Zelda themed money
  • Custom rules including Item Card instructions
  • 11"x17" Hyrule Map Lithograph in Treasure Chest Holder (Game Stop Exclusive)

6 Collectible tokens:
  • Bow
  • Hookshot
  • Boomerang
  • Triforce
  • Hylian Shield
  • Ocarina of Time (Game Stop Exclusive token)

6 Item Power Cards for added game play (Game Stop Exclusive)
  • Goddess Harp
  • Wind Walker
  • Minish Cap
  • Spirit Flute
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • Ocarina of Time

Does this look like a set you will pick up? Let us know!

Are they gonna have that fucking owl tell you the rules?

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Do you want me to repeat that?

i just realized the term pre-order makes no fucking sense. you cant pre-order something just as you cant post-order something. pre-ordering is really when you're the next guy on line waiting to tell them you're ordering it.
Anyone ever play that version where you have little fake credit cards and a card reader instead of cash?

It takes even fucking longer
I got that version. It's a lot easier than handling all that cash, but yeah having to swipe that card every 2 seconds is annoying.
Hey I just noticed my post count is 8585. Beautiful!

Well it'll be 8586 with this post. Fuck!
I just realized that I was supposed to receive this yesterday. Then I got this email:

Dear Travis,

Unfortunately, there was an unexpected delay for your order for the Legend of Zelda Monopoly. We are working to send your item as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologize for any frustration this may cause you.

Always remember that we are here for you. Just reply to this email or you can reach us 7 days a week 8am – 8pm CST at 800-883-8895.

Have a wonderful day,

Your friends at GameStop.com