Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Years between last fully numbered sequel of MGS and official announcement of next installment: almost 5

Years between last fully numbered sequel of Assassin's Creed and official announcement of next installment: 0

Metal Gear is definitely squeezing some blood from that stone, but Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty are the main offenders.

its not about the frequency of releases as much as it is following thru with what developers say. after AC they've released a game every year. are they milking it? sure but ubisoft has the resources to do so and has lived up to that greedy expectation. they've never said they were doing anything otherwise

metal gear on the other hand was said to have been finished with numbered titles after 4. it was supposed to be "the end" then they had peace walker. ok. its on psp. then they had rising. ok. its an action game. now three brand new games including a numbered installment all at the same time? just let it go. kojima even said he was finished years ago. the guy has been involved with every installment of the franchise for decades but he still tries to squeeze games into an already convoluted and contrived storyline. 10 years ago i was the biggest metal gear fan a person could be. but now im kind of annoyed by what they've done to the series
no Hayter no sale

I already find most voice acting to be atrocious, Hayter was one of the few I enjoyed.
I could see them possibly squeezing Richard Doyle in, seeing as he played Big Boss in MGS4
Richard Doyle is the only person i could think of that could pull off.....Older Big Boss. He did such an amazing job in MGS4 it would be really cool to have him voice Big Boss agian.

That or mmmmmaaayyyybbbeeee Steve Blum....but thats a longshot.