Microsoft buys Gears of War IP


Yeah, that's right.
Looks like Gears of War isn't coming to PS4 like what was once rumored and now will be developed inhouse by Microsoft instead of by Epic Games. Opinions on this?

I love Gears of War, but each iteration was worse than the previous entry in some major way. With this being similar to the Halo buyout, I will say I thought Halo 4 was pretty lackluster compared to all the Bungie titles - not bad, just not as memorable. That kind of makes me think Microsoft will do the same ho-hum job for this series, if not more so since it's not really their system seller like Halo is.
I'm a huge gears fan but i dont see how this could mean anything good for the series. after 3 they should have put it to bed.
Where can they really go with the series now anyways?

The locust were wiped out which means no sequel, and they already did a prequel from the events before the first game.

What are they going to do? Pendulum Wars with no locust? Or some generic cast that are doing other missions during the events of the original games? Blegh.
I dunno, I thought 3 was by far the best Gears game. Overrun was a great mode, Judgment was shit besides that.

I dunno how I feel about it.
i played gears 3 the most out of any online multiplayer games besides halo 2.
Where can they really go with the series now anyways?

are you serious? its the gaming industry. they're the kings of making stupid shit up to continue a series.
they're the kings of making stupid shit up to continue a series.
this is my major question why a stupidity is needed as when you may also make it more interesting by making smart improvements instead of those foolish ones
I was thinking that exact thing, Isaac.

Gears 3 was easily the best game of the series, but it's criminal how much they left unanswered. I'm sure they'll bullshit their way into another game.
I still can't believe they didn't go with the obvious thing of locust being modified humans or something. It seemed like they were going that way with the sires you find in Gears of War 2.

Edit: Now that I read about sires on gears wiki it says "The Sires were Lambent Humans studied during the early Pendulum Wars. They were the "forefathers" of the Locust and several dozen of them were found at the New Hope Research Facility, controlled by Department of Health under orders from Chairman Monroe. The facility was later shut down by Monroe and the Sires were kept in stasis until they were discovered by Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago during a recon of the area. All information on them is classified, passed down from Chairman to Chairman, and rarely investigated". I never remember them saying any such thing in the games. Maybe you had to buy one of the hundred novels to find that out.
I've read all the novels, and even they do a shitty job and explaining the origin and background of the Locust. Novels explain the events before, during, and after the war, more character depth, etc. but never go into Locusts. So, I don't know where the Wiki pages get their info.
as a gears freak, i've read all the comics and all the novels except one, which is the one they talk about sires.

the origins of the locust never really bothered me. i always assumed them to just be some underground civilization. what does bother me is the unexplained nature of the queen. how she's all smoking hot human-like and such.
I think Microsoft has shown via 343 Industries that it is able to take over the IP from another studio and make it sing on its own.

After Judgement, I was afraid the Gears formula was getting pretty stale. Handing development over to a new team just might breathe life back into the series.
I never played Gears 3 or Judgement, but y'know what I kinda miss Gears 2. Game was awesome.