Money for Andrew $$$$$$$


Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
As you all may know, Marvel vs Capcom 3 is coming out soon. I personally have no interest in buying that game, what so ever. However, Logan has spent his every waking moment trying to get me to buy it. I continue to give Logan my reasons for not buying it:
-I hate fighting games
-I hate Marvel
-My last fighting game purchase (SSFIV) was a complete waste of money

So, I have come up with a solution to the problem. I will hold a telethon (of sorts) for the purchase of MvC3. If anyone could send $1,$10, or whatever they see fit. Also, to every person who sent money, I will return a special prize in return ;). If I get the total amount needed ($60), then I would promise to appear each and every time the gang wants to play as well as never complain about the game once.

You can send the donations in by mail, and be sure to have your forum name and a return address. Also, do not use my address for anything other than donations! I do have guns and can go on a Dolph Lundgren style revenge plot :pepsi:

Edit: I have set up a PayPal account, so use that instead of the mail. However, I will send the excellent surprise in the mail to any donations.
To donate, go to the Mahvel baby tab under the forum button and click to donate.
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Yeah, I just entered the contest. I want to buy it, and plan on buying it, but just never know; especially when I need to buy a ticket to see Rush fairly soon.
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