Monstercon 2013


Senior Member
I'm so excited to say that finally SOUTH CAROLINA is gonna have it's own con that is similar to Dragon*Con!!! I just wanted to post this up here in case any of you might be interested in going or curious about it!
Monstercon 2013
I'm not a pathetic nerd >.< and oobs, its great! You get great con gear and get to meet some famous people from video games, movies, comics, and so on!
SC has several cons, although with big cons in NC and GA it gets a little sucky here sometimes.

I wish I could make it to Monster but with school and work I won't have the time. :(
SC has several cons, although with big cons in NC and GA it gets a little sucky here sometimes.

I wish I could make it to Monster but with school and work I won't have the time. :(

There arent many cons that I know of here in Texas
The ones you are talking about skye are in Columbia =/ nobody likes that and it was mainly anime con's from what I know. AND YES OF COURSE there is booze.
What don't you like about the cons? Just that they're either gaming or anime and that's it?

I ask because I'm staff on almost all of them so if there's something that needs fixing...I also know there's TONS of drama because apparently you haven't have a con without it...
if im ever in south carolina there is something more important to do than go to some convention. kill myself.
Honestly Skye, it's the people. Their are different kinds then let's say Hero's Con or something. I enjoy both gaming and anime conventions equally; I just prefer to have a more mix of people instead of a lot of the one's that are normally at that con. That's just my opinion. I prefer to experience it all, ya know?
Totally get you on that one. Since there aren't many cons in SC the same people go to all of them. I don't see new faces till I hit NC/GA. >_<

Personally though, Dragoncon pretty much ruined all other cons for me forever. For all its problems (over-crowding, too expensive, booking a room is impossible) I still adore it to pieces.
Hey!!!!!!!! I agree! But its still so fun! I love conventions and I'd love to see ya there! :P