My Link to the Past Board Game!


Deku Scrub
Nov 27, 2013
Hey everyone. I posted this on other boards a while ago, but I just found this site and with the release of A Link Between Worlds (which i am absolutely LOVING so far) I thought this would be appropriate to share. I made a A Link to the Past board game.
The gameplay is basically you as Link are traveling around both the Light World and Dark World searching for Treasures. But there is a combat system with Attack/Defend Dice like D&D or HeroQuest. And there are Event Cards which do all different things to help aid the players. Each Dungeon has an Obstacle Room you must get through and then the Boss Fight.

I will have a video tutorial of it whenever i find the time. But until then, the basic object of the game is:
Players travel around Hyrule to each Dungeon in the Light World and Dark World to defeat the Bosses and gain Treasures. The first player to defeat a Dungeon wins that Treasure. A Dungeon can not be defeated twice. Players can travel both worlds freely at any time to go to the Dungeons. All Dungeons are open EXCEPT the Pyramid of Power. In order to face Ganon at the Pyramid of Power, players must own 3 Treasures. Once that is accomplished, they may fight Ganon for the Triforce. First player to obtain the Triforce, wins the game. Players may land on other players' spaces to try and steal their Treasure.

To start out, each player receives 3 Heart Tokens, 6 Shield Tokens, 3 each of the Weapon/Magic Tokens and 50 Rupees (20 and 3 10's). Place the Tokens on the Status Card accordingly. Each player begins the game with 3 Attack Dice. If prompted to use a single Defend Die against an Enemy or Obstacle, roll the Blue Defend Die with the X and Shield faces. They also receive 3 Event Cards each. (SEE EVENT CARDS)
During a turn, players must perform the following steps:
You may choose to use an Event Card at any time during your turn.
  1. Make a Movement/Enemy roll. (SEE MOVEMENT)

  2. Move up to the number of spaces indicated by the movement roll. If you have to fight an enemy, you must do so after the movement has ended. (SEE COMBAT)

  3. At the end of the turn, play proceeds clockwise. are the pics!

Game Board (made with help from my father) it has sliders which slide the Dark World in and out on top of the Light World.












Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
Holy crap, wow. Very cool and detailed. Looks like you did a great job! Thanks for sharing!


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Wow this looks totally awesome! How long did it take to make this?

Admittedly I have never played Dungeon & Dragons or HeroQuest so I am not sure of the exact mechanics there are to this type of gameplay, but this sounds like an awesome game to play with a bunch of friends. The sliding Darkworld overlay sounds awesome as well and I would love to see that.

Easily one of the best Zelda fan-made items I've ever seen, I hope you get around to making a video about it because I would love to see that. :)


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
Heyyy, I play up all the board games. This looks so awesome!! I wanna play!!!


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Holy shit, that's awesome. Welcome to the forums.
How long did it take you to complete all this (not even counting coming up with all of the ideas)?

Would definitely play.


Deku Scrub
Nov 27, 2013
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Glad to see you like it! Dave, I had the idea for it around Thanksgiving last year. I had it fully complete by March I believe. A lot of testing it and changing it. Even now when i play with friends we are finding ways to improve the gameplay.


Deku Scrub
Nov 27, 2013
i'm not giving out files to this just yet. After my video is complete and you all can see the gameplay, if people like it, i will definitely give out the files. However as you can see, it is going to be a tough game to build.

I do ask for some help though. I need to find small Link figures for playing pieces. Preferably custom made somehow by clay or whatever. Does anyone have any ideas at all?

And also what do you guys think about like a Kickstarter for this? i'm assuming i can't because obviously it's nintendo lol. I really want to put this into production of some kind. I don't even care about making profit off of it...i'd just like to share it with everyone without the hassle of you all having to build it yourselves.


Deku Scrub
Nov 27, 2013
wow that site is pretty sweet thanks! maybe i can find someone on their forums to make a custom one.


Nov 10, 2003
Not sure what Lauren posted, but you can always make them out of polymer clay. It's easy to work with and you could always make something very minimalist. My sister made me these Bayonetta dolls and they've been great. Even I was able to help make some of it with no artistic talent at all.



Senior Member
Nov 9, 2011
i love crafting those kinda things! awwhhh :( i'd make em for you!


Deku Scrub
Nov 27, 2013
I found someone to make the playing pieces. I saw them and they look fantastic. I can't wait to get them in the mail! I will post a pic as soon as i receive them!