New to PS3


What should I be playing?
I have MGS4, I know I need to play that. I plan on getting Journey when I get the money

What other key games should I play?
I want to try the White Knight Chronicles series even though people say they are bad
Heavy Rain
3D Dot Heroes

Ive seen a good amount of gameplay for Heavy Rain and it doesnt seem like my kind of game
I remember playing 3D Dot Heroes once at my friends house and it was fun, Ill try to look for it
Ever played SotC/ICO? If not, get the HD collection! If you're a Katamari fan, Katamari Forever. Okami HD is beeeautiful and only 20 bucks. Once you catch up with One Piece (if you plan to) get Pirate Warriors! 3D Dot Game Heroes is GREAT. Journey is amazing. Pixel Junk games are pretty fun!
Ever played SotC/ICO? If not, get the HD collection! If you're a Katamari fan, Katamari Forever. Okami HD is beeeautiful and only 20 bucks. Once you catch up with One Piece (if you plan to) get Pirate Warriors! 3D Dot Game Heroes is GREAT. Journey is amazing. Pixel Junk games are pretty fun!

SotC/ICO: I need to play ICO, I never finished SotC, Ill have to find it
Ive never played Katamari
Ill have to find Okami HD
Been too busy to watch OP but I want to continue it
3D Dot Heroes: I saw it at my local used game store but I passed on it for now, Ill read more bout it later
I want to get Journey
and what is Pixel Junk?
SotC/ICO: I need to play ICO, I never finished SotC, Ill have to find it
Ive never played Katamari
Ill have to find Okami HD
Been too busy to watch OP but I want to continue it
3D Dot Heroes: I saw it at my local used game store but I passed on it for now, Ill read more bout it later
I want to get Journey
and what is Pixel Junk?

Okami HD is exclusively on the PSN store (same with Pirate Warriors) so!!! You won't find them on a disc, unfortunately. But yeah don't play PW until you've gotten to like episode 517 lol. There will be big spoilers otherwise!!

There are a bunch of different pixel junk games, so they don't really have a common theme other than being fun I guess. Pixel Junk shooter is (you guessed it) a shooter. PJ Monsters (I think that's what it's called?) is kinda a tower defense game, PJ Eden is kinda a... platformer?? Not really... Idk.
Heavy Rain is good if you like a lot of story.

Bayli told me about 3D Dot Heroes and it was s a good suggestion!
White Knight Chronicles is pretty cool so far, It has a lot of similarities with Dark Cloud

PlayStation Plus? Get or pass? I know you get free games every month which is pretty cool
How often are yall on your PS3s? feel free to add me :3
Almost never.

Playstation Plus games aren't usable anymore once your subscription expires if that matters to you.
Meh. I never use mine anymore.

The only reason I don't trade her in is because she's backwards compatible.
I found the ICO/SotC bundle at Walmart, I thought it was going to be hard to find

great! i need to play my copy. not even entirely sure why i bought it?! i already have ico and sotc discs. it does look really pretty, though.
great! i need to play my copy. not even entirely sure why i bought it?! i already have ico and sotc discs. it does look really pretty, though.

Which one should i start with? I only played the demo for SotC and Ive never played ICO